Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Risking reproach from a number of UFOlogists, I prefer to begin any analysis of the phenomena with the premise that it is being orchestrated by governments rather than off-world beings in fantastic lightships.
That is not to say that we are not being visited now or will not be visited in the future. I simply have seen no concrete evidence of it and, until I do, I will continue to believe first that the military and particularly the intelligence agencies are behind much of the UFO phenomena. They have the money and the motives to both create the hoax and to keep it going for years.
Despite revealing videos such as that produced by Mr. Lazar, we still don't have any proof that the USAF or CIA has sequestered alien disks at S4 or anywhere else. Much to Mr. Lazar's credit, he acknowledges the fact that he has no solid proof to substantiate his claims that he worked on alien disks for the government.
As badly as I want to believe the drawings in the video represented alien craft, I fear I cannot simply because I found nothing during the presentation to explain how the saucers operate while in Earth's atmosphere or why they appear as extremely bright balls of light when floating over our cities or preparing to land in our meadows.
According to Mr. Lazar, the saucer should appear as something similar to a comet standing on its tail until it becomes fully energized, at which time it should become invisible as it jumps into another dimension or star cluster such as Zeta Reticuli or Proxima Centauri or even to the dark side of the moon. All that is wonderful narrative but it doesn't tell us what glowing balls of light are flying the skies of this planet.
Until someone can answer those questions, I'll continue to examine the UFO phenomena primarily as secret US reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft. Until someone kills a real alien and lays its cadaver on my doorstep, I will continue to believe "Grey Aliens" are USAF or CIA personnel dressed up in funny costumes. I will continue to believe that our comrades are being abducted and murdered by government agencies. I will continue to believe that telepathic contact experiments are being conducted by the same government agencies.
If "grey aliens" are not humans in costumes, they are at least darklings built by human DNA tinkerers in some of those secret underground laboratories.
I have a great deal of trouble accepting the story that aliens have been conducting genetic experiments on humankind for 10,000 years. That would suggest that we are really little more than their livestock, that they actually "own" us, just as we believe we "own" beasts of the field and fish of the seas and birds of the air.
It also suggests they have an extremely long attention span unless they are moving through time and aren't really "going anywhere"!
We tag sea turtles in the North Atlantic and track them by satellite to see which way they go. We tag birds and fish and elephants to follow their migrations. Are we supposed to believe creatures from Zeta Reticuli are doing the same to us?
Friends! Why would beings who can travel sixty-six zillion light years through space and time in any direction at any time want to concern themselves with something as stupid and boring as tagging and following the migration and sexual behavior of humans (who would be the equivalent of primeval slugs to them)? What is the point?
To capture, examine, impregnate and tag human females to carry their cross-bred children? If they are as wonderful and advanced as some say, they should be able to grow their children in canning jars on their own planet!
To cultivate us as food? If they are twenty billion years more advanced than we, why haven't they figured out how to grow synthetic protein in culture dishes in their own labs on their own planet in their own star cluster?
If we are nothing more than experiments of an advanced race of beings, no more than bacteria on a cosmic glass slide, that means there is no God, no law, no rules, no leaders, no followers. It means anyone should be able to load a gun and kill anyone or anything and no one should have to worry about it or suffer for it.
There should be no trials or punishment for "crimes" because the concept of crime and punishment would be null and void if we belong to funny-looking grey creatures from Zeta Reticuli.
If we have no more rights than a common housefly, then we'll have to do away with ownership of property as well.
If we believe that, we'll have to do away with governments and public minions, dismantle the military and let anarchy reign supreme, laying about in slovenly disgrace until one of the owners comes round to lop off an arm or leg for dinner or grind us into sausage and stir us up in a big vat somewhere in Nevada, USA.
But wait! Why would creatures who can jump from Earth to Zeta Reticuli in a heartbeat keep their food supply in Nevada? Why don't they take it with them?
If you were able to jump from one town to another or one state to another by thinking it, and you wanted to paint a house in, say, Texas; would you keep the paint bucket in New York and jump back and forth every time you had to load the brush just because you could jump back and forth?
If you could jump to the grocery store, would you jump forty times to buy forty items or would you get everything in one jump so you wouldn't have to bother?
People! That's why we have refrigerators and pantries! So we don't have to get in the car (flying saucer) and drive to the store (Nevada) every day!
I can't believe we're more intelligent than our grey owners! They must be humiliated.
But if all this nonsense is being orchestrated by an agency of Earthlings who want you to believe in UFOs and funny-looking grey aliens, then it all makes sense, doesn't it?
They don't take hostages to Zeta Reticuli because they can't get there. Yet! Their medical instruments and surgical techniques are identical to ours because they are ours!
Humans are being abducted for medical experiments. Humans are being contacted telepathically to sort out the espers. Human females are carrying the seeds of a future race of cosmonauts. They may be producing embryos which are sent into space aboard the shuttle to see if they live or die in a weightless environment, the evidence of which will be applied to the technology of future manned excursions to the planets of this solar system and beyond.
Lab rats simply won't provide the needed information, you see.

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