Wednesday, April 9, 2008


THE GREAT DECEPTION: If we have a conspiracy on our hands, let's get it right!
In offering an analysis of the previous report, I will make particular note of a number of inaccuracies and inconsistencies which should be readily apparent to most knowledgeable readers. It should already be obvious that a number of unusual and severe methods may used to deceive and confound entire nations when the integrity of top secret projects is at stake.
One effective method is to denounce witnesses as mentally unstable, insane, or unreliable. Witnesses are proclaimed to be "crazy" or "suffering from paranoid delusions."
A second method is to release documents containing a number of inaccuracies and inconsistencies such as the MJ-12 documents addressed to President Eisenhower which has been proven to be a fraud, and things like the preceding document.
A third method is vehement denial over a period of several years through every possible media.
A fourth and most effective method is to perpetrate, on a fairly regular basis, obvious hoaxes that can be subsequently shown to be hoaxes and frauds.
A fifth method is to create national disasters or wars to divert attention away from secret projects. Television is a wonderful platform from which to launch such diversions. The recent Gulf War was the most watched event in history and who was thinking of UFOs while the slaughter of 150,000 soldiers was being electronically projected to the world?
In the case of UFO sightings all five methods, and others (possibly murder and kidnapping) are used.
It is not my intention to deny that unusual aircraft are flying the skies of planet Earth; but it is my expression that the previous report, while it contains some historical fact about UFOs, is a hoax.
In the first paragraph of the report, the author states that the U.S. Government has been in contact with extraterrestrials for 40 years. Six lines later, the number has changed to 20 years. Three paragraphs later it changes back to 40 years.
The person who supposedly filed this report is a famous son of a very famous person. He is a pilot. He has flown many different kinds of aircraft. He supposedly worked for CIA and other government agencies.
Unless his study of the history of aviation is severely deficient (and from his stated credentials, I doubt it), he would know that a very advanced jet-powered saucer shaped aircraft had been developed by Nazi Germany near the end of World War Two. American and British intelligence agencies have confirmed this as fact.
If the person who filed this report worked for the CIA in any capacity for any reason, it seems highly unlikely that he would put his name on this document. The CIA has no problem whatsoever in dealing with people who cause them grief, even if one of their own (or especially one of their own). Not that I condone it, but there is good reason for it.
The author of the document names several well-known scientists, newsmen and novelists and accuses them of collaborating in the cover-up of UFO information. In a strictly legal sense, the author has named them as accessories to kidnapping and murder, an accusation that could cause him a great deal of anguish if only one of them elects to sue. If the person who filed this report is really the person he claims to be, he would know that the family empire might soon belong to a famous newscaster!
The medical records of James Forrestal are sealed for the same reason yours would be: It is not public information. I would be surprised, however, if Mr. Forrestal really jumped from that 16th floor window. But I would believe that he might have been pushed.
It is true that organizations still exists to handle the UFO problem. One of them has set up housekeeping in the basement of the Pentagon. One of their missions is to study the phenomena of UFOs, but their primary mission is to make you believe something is out there, but that they are all hoaxes. This effective smokescreen is used to mask secret projects (aircraft, weapons, etc.), secret wars and secret deals, not with interplanetary visitors, but with other nations on this planet. When someone gets close to a secret facility, they create a "flying saucer" flap to scare the hell out of everyone.
Since the UFO is just what these snooping people are looking for, they turn around and look the other way for a month or so and the secret project can continue unhindered by prying eyes. This is the true UFO Conspiracy: the UFOs they let you see for the most part are not real so you don't get too close to the UFOs that are real.
People who claim to have been abducted report the beings are smaller than humans, clothed in a soft-looking gray material, and have large heads and enormous dark elongated eyes. That description is repeated over and over with regularity worldwide .
So what are the locusts, the praying mantises who eat human flesh and drink human blood, who steal human eyes and tongues and rectums, who are at first billions of years more advanced, then only a few thousand years more advanced than we?
Americans did not invent the concept of the atomic bomb. The Germans did. Americans did not create supersonic jet or rocket powered aircraft. The Germans and British did. Americans did not invent the concept of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Germans did. America confiscated the technology and German scientists who developed it after WWII, but America did not invent it.
Crashes of "saucers" near Roswell and other desert communities after the war were probably V-2 rockets and other stolen weapons launched by German scientists who had been smuggled into the US illegally. (This is not to say that unidentified aircraft have not been recovered by the military, nor is it meant to imply that some facilities do not have pieces of alien space craft).
I have not seen the video tape referred to in relation to Dr. Hibbs, so I cannot comment beyond saying that it is a dictum of the scientific method to pronounce no theory until all the facts about an item or object are obtained. A video tape does not prove or disprove the existence of UFOs.
While government officials publicly declared that the Washington, DC flap was the result of radar returns from a weather inversion, I suspect the sightings will never be honestly revealed. Aircraft scrambled to intercept the "saucers" could not find any objects in the sky, although they were still on radar screens. At this time, I am inclined to believe the sightings were false radar returns.
The government moved a lot of hardware along our highways after the war. Most of it was the rockets and aircraft confiscated from Nazi Germany. If they purchased entire farms from people, I suggest the author name the people so we can verify the sale. Records exist somewhere of all real estate sales!
How much does a 100-foot diameter UFO weigh? Could two or three lo-boys carry the weight without popping the tires? Could two or three lo-boys drive thousands, or even hundreds, of miles in unison so they wouldn't drop their load? Can anyone alive today verify the movements of these vehicles and the shape of their loads? Records exist somewhere! If anyone closes a major highway in any state, a record of that closure must be filed in the county or state capitol. Let's have a look.
If communications were established between EBEs and humans at Holloman Air Force Base on April 30, 1964, how was the meeting arranged and by whom? Are any of the principals still alive to confirm or deny the meeting? Could they or would they? Records must exist within Air Force files somewhere. If they are not all dead, humans who witnessed the event should be interviewed and statements produced.
About the only thing with which I concur are the details and definitions of abductions. I do, however, suspect the abductions are being conducted by Earthlings rather than aliens, even if the abductions are for most of the reasons stated: medical research, development of biological warfare agents and Artificially Induced DNA Structuring (AIDS) genetic experiments.
Oddly enough, the author of this document suggests that nearly everyone who has vanished in the last 40 years has been the victim of alien abduction with the notable exclusion of MIAs. Yet, UFO activity increases rather than decreases during periods of worldwide conflict. TLOs (foo fighters) have been seen in every country during every war since WWII, including Korea and Vietnam. Maybe the dead are easy pickings. Maybe wounded or lost men can be abducted without raising too many questions. They died. They're missing. They're captive. Too bad. Go home and leave us alone.
Are any of the MIAs or KHAs listed on the aliens' reports to NSC? Records exist somewhere! Let's have a look at them.
The author states that the EBEs have a genetic disorder that has atrophied their digestive system. How does he know that? If he knows that, why must he offer a speculation in the following sentence that the disorder may have been produced as a result of a war or evolution? If he knows they have a system dysfunction, he should know what caused it, the information having been derived from the same source at the same time.
In the case of Sgt. Louette, who was reportedly mutilated by aliens: How does the author know how the body was mutilated? Where did he obtain the medical records? (which are not available to anyone in the public realm). Let's see the name of the coroner who performed the autopsy (and you can bet one was performed). Records exist somewhere!
It is one thing to state that secret bases exist at various locations around the nation (and world). It is another to produce proof that human body parts are being stored and stirred in huge cauldrons by members of the CIA and crew members from captured alien spacecraft. At one point in this report, the author states that only three EBEs have been captured (EBE-1, EBE-2 and EBE-3) and that they are being held in a facility designated YY-II at Los Alamos, New Mexico. But throughout the report, he seems to tell us that thousands of insect-lizard EBEs are manning the test facilities and food processing stations all over the nation, if not the world.
How many are there? Three or three million? Or zero?
If a breakout was attempted at some secret base near Dulce, New Mexico and 66 soldiers were killed, let's see the records. Now that would be public record. If you want a copy of a serviceman's record, write to the Army and you have it by First Class mail. In any event, records of this incident would exist somewhere and soldiers must still be alive who participated. Let's find them and ask some questions.
Motion pictures, by and large, have always been used as propaganda. I can't say that any particular motion picture has been financed by the government to keep us looking the wrong direction, but I wouldn't put it past them. The point is: Records exist somewhere! Produce them as evidence.
Unless something has gone awry, the aliens' plan for domination of Earth is taking an inordinately long time to accomplish. Since these critters have been seen for a couple of thousand years, and continue to be seen today, and they still haven't taken over and eaten us all, it means they aren't planning on eating us, aren't planning on taking over and, in fact, may not exist. Or it means they are so inept they can't get their program in gear, even after 40 years of intensive work.
Almost as bad as the politicians in Washington, eh?
The author's Bible history can only be described as pitiful. If he is who he says he is and is intelligent as he says he is and has accomplished all he says he has, why doesn't he know the difference between the Sermon on the Mount of Olives and the location of Jesus' death_Golgotha? (Calvary in Christian literature).
How does the author know the aliens have a video tape or hologram recording of Jesus? Who told him? Where is it?
If the aliens communicate telepathically, why do they need monitoring devices implanted in humans to keep track of them? Why not just summon human number 673 and start talking? If aliens communicate telepathically, why not summon all of us and tell us to drop dead so they can stir us up in their vats?
Why do they require a medium in the person of an Air Force officer to relay their messages if they can communicate telepathically? To communicate telepathically means communicating mind to mind without the need to verbalize. Is this Air Force officer the only person in the world adept at hearing the message? If so, the aliens aren't all that accomplished to my way of thinking. Why not just talk to Bill Moore directly? Or you? Or me?
My overall analysis of the previous report is that it appears to be precisely one of those documents devised to confuse the facts and divert attention from serious UFO research. Report #9 is so obviously a fake (like the MJ-12 document) that it was probably planted by the people whose job it is to make us believe all UFO sightings and reports are fraudulent. It is fact and fabrication designed to frighten you with gore.
The idea is to interweave truth with fiction so the layman neither knows what to believe nor how to interpret it. If one part of the report is obviously fake, it must all be a fake. That's the way the thinking goes.
But everything you read about UFOs isn't fraudulent. The conspiracy is that special groups and agencies have devised these methods of throwing us off balance so we cannot see the real thieves sneaking out the back door with the silverware. The conspiracy is that they have formulated the UFO Conspiracy themselves and use it to prevent us from knowing what they are really doing in their secret underground laboratories.
Do I believe UFOs exist? Yes. Do I believe they are manned by beings from other planets? Maybe. (I need more data). Do I believe people are being abducted? You bet. Do I believe they are being kidnapped by creatures from outer space? No. Do I believe they are being kidnapped by agencies of the government? Yes.
Do I believe TLOs exist? Indeed I do! Have I ever seen a UFO or TLO? More than once. Knowing what I know about weapons and aircraft, can I identify what I have seen? In all but two cases (TLOs).
As far as I know I have never been abducted or contacted but I believe other people have been and I am certain more people will be. I rather suspect the body snatchers are the same people who are working in some of those secret bases noted in various reports. I feel fairly certain they are abducted for bizarre medical research more than anything else.
Groom Lake is undeniably a super secret facility. It may have miles of underground tunnels. That is not unusual. There are also miles of underground tunnels elsewhere housing ICBMs and communications centers but no one makes a big deal of them.
Is there a flying saucer at Groom Lake? Maybe. Aurora, CIA's new spy plane, lands there. But it lands at Pease Air Force Base, too, and at NATO bases around the world. Who built it? Probably Lockheed Aircraft's skunk works. It is not capable of doing much more than flying at 200,000 feet altitude at about 4000+ miles per hour, certainly not competition for the classic UFO.
But if a flying saucer is hangared at Groom Lake, is that craft something we captured from aliens? No. Why not? Well, according to the the previous report, the aliens are generously giving us their technology. According to the author of Report #9 the aliens communicate by telepathy. According to him, the aliens won't let us use the technology without their hands-on help.
If we have a captured alien saucer, why haven't they simply flown it for us and shown us how to do it? If we are doing it while they are locked up at YY-II at Los Alamos, why don't they use their telepathy to make us stop? Why don't they use their telepathy to blow up the planet? Why don't they call their brothers to come down and stomp us good and give us what for?
If there is a saucer shaped craft at Groom Lake, it was built by Earth people for Earth people and for operation in Earth's atmosphere or, at the very best, at the edge of space.
My point is this: If the aliens are supposed to be showing us the way to create all these wondrous things, why are they so inconsistent with their generosity?
If anyone believes SDI was created to blow up invading spaceships why do they not believe these advanced beings could not and would not prevent us from building it by using telepathy to make us all fall asleep? If they can use telepathy to communicate, why have they not made their jailers believe they should unlock the cells and let them out?
And if the aliens are locked up with no way to escape, who is performing the abductions and medical experiments? Who is flying the UFOs that are being reported almost daily? More aliens? Why don't they help their brothers escape? It should be a snap if they are as great as some people say they are.
Almost eight years have passed since this report was originally filed with the Computer Bulletin Board. Nothing significant has happened to change the way we should investigate the UFO phenomena. Certainly nothing has happened to change our society in any radical manner except that we have fought another war and have elected another liberal leftist President. Neither of those events can be considered Earth shaking.
A well planned invasion of Earth by creatures thousands or billions of years more advanced than we, who have spaceships capable of moving at light speeds, who can communicate telepathically and who require human flesh and blood as sustenance would most certainly be swift and sure lightning war.
Why wait 40 or 100 years until we have developed our own sophisticated weapons when they could have overwhelmed the planet about half-way through the Second World War when our resources were stretched to the limit? Why wait to see who was going to win when they could have destroyed all of us with their superior technology and mind power?
Why send a few dozen or a few hundred vampires when they could have sent millions? Why not just sweep in and harvest the crop, then go home with a full belly?
And the most elusive question of all has never been asked or answered: Where is "home?" If they told us they have digestion problems, why haven't they told someone where they came from?
The author of the previous report admonishes you to run away the next time you see a UFO so you won't end up as Soylent Green. That's just about what you should expect from someone who doesn't want you to find out what's landing in your back yard.
My advice is this: Next time you see a UFO, don't worry about being dissected by intelligent insects. Take as many pictures as you can, preferably through several neutral density filters and through filters of various colors. Write down everything that happens. Note the times, directions, speeds, number of craft. Count heads. Look for landing gear. Listen for sounds. Remember the colors you see. Throw a rock at the thing and see if it bounces off or vaporizes. Listen and note the sound when (or if) the rock strikes the object. Look for landing patterns after it leaves. Measure the size of everything by comparing various parts to known objects (trees, people, telephone poles, automobiles, houses, etc.).
If you have a sidearm and see a creature, aim for the forehead and pull the trigger. They are mortal and they can die. (No one will prosecute you, even if you kill a government agent or Air Force pilot dressed up like an EBE). Unzip the suit and see what's inside.
Until we get some answers, I believe all serious UFO investigators should carry two essential pieces of hardware: A good camera with lots of color film, black and white film and infra-red film, color filters and neutral density filters, and a large caliber semi-automatic firearm with four or five extra clips of ammo. A 12-gauge pump with deer slugs would work fine. It should be something that will penetrate an automobile engine with ease.
Unless the UFO is surrounded by a force field to vaporize the slugs, you are going to cause some serious damage to the craft and its inhabitants. Maybe if we shoot up a few of them, they (whoever they are) will rethink their game plan.
Don't let anyone or anything take you inside a craft that has landed. You aren't required to follow. Think and act as the aggressor rather than as a prisoner. You don't have to give any of your body parts to anyone if you don't want to. You don't have to give your planet to anyone if you don't want to. Shoot first and ask questions later.
"They" seem to want us alive (maybe dead livestock doesn't sell well where "they" come from). But I have no illusions that "they" won't shoot back if necessary.
It doesn't matter if you come from Alpha Centauri or Virginia, you have to explain to someone higher up in the chain of command why and how you lost a six billion dollar aircraft and that always looks bad on your next r_sum_. So one of two things is going to happen: 1) They are going to shoot back, or 2) they are going to think twice about abducting people with guns.
At this stage of the game I believe we should shoot them down if they are up and shoot them up if they are down, even if the craft appears to be on a "harmless" reconnaissance flight. The more damage you can cause, the better for our side.
If you can capture a crew member, dead or alive, do it. Hit them with a rock, poke them with a sharp stick or put a bullet through their head; whatever it takes to do the job. Recover the carcass, if possible.
Do NOT call the police or any other government agency before you find out who or what you have bagged and then only if you feel you can deal with the consequences.
Some UFOs, whether built here or elsewhere, may be unmanned observation and surveillance craft. Smaller craft are less likely to carry passengers. Large craft may carry several. Look for sensors and disable them if possible. Beware of defensive weapons. Don't touch the craft. If you do not have a weapon, remain hidden. You should consider all UFOs as hostile and dangerous.
Always keep an open mind but also keep your eyes peeled for more obvious hoaxes such as the previous report. Don't try to find the person who wrote it ; you may find more trouble than you bargained for.
Our UFO must be large enough to house a human crew of 10 or 12 comfortably for a long period of time (several months). It must contain life support systems, food and water processing equipment, navigation equipment, medical facilities, recreation facilities, waste recycling facilities, science and photographic divisions, mess area, sleeping quarters, storage for exploratory equipment and vehicles, and the control, communications and engineering spaces.
We will install a power source that renders the vehicle massless while in flight (anti-mass field) and is also capable of driving the UFO at near light speeds. It should be small enough to be located in a central area near the control and engineering spaces, and simple enough in design to be attended by no more than one or two technicians.
A central ladder or a lift powered by the engine should run the entire depth of the sphere. This eliminates space and weight consuming stair wells and will provide easy and rapid access to all decks and spaces. Each separate division should be accessible to any other two adjoining divisions by access doors. Access doors, hatches and scuttles must be airtight to protect the rest of the vehicle in the event of a disaster.
Life support systems, electrical systems and comfort systems such as air conditioning and ventilation will be centrally located near the lift and easily accessible in the event of failure.
Our space vehicle must be constructed of a durable, lightweight material that will protect its inhabitants from solar and cosmic radiation and impacts from small objects. It must be airtight and watertight, capable of traveling through space or under the deepest oceans.
It should have no weight or space consuming landing gear and be capable of hovering inches from the ground for indefinite periods of time as long as the power is on. The hull must be constructed of a material that will withstand very high temperatures while moving through dense atmospheres. It must be capable of withstanding the sub-zero temperatures of deep space or distant planets. Exploratory equipment should be located near the bottom of the hull and an access hatch should be provided for loading and off-loading personnel, samples and machines as necessary.
If our science is far enough advanced, we might have no exterior access doors at all but would beam objects and beings aboard or off load vehicles by means of a matter transporter. The UFO might have view ports for direct line of sight observation. Ideally, however, we would use VCASS viewing simulators in two or three dimensions, in color or projected as holograms to the control deck.
Since our vehicle can appear and disappear at near light speeds, no weapons would be required, except, perhaps, some sidearms for personnel when disembarked for planetary exploration when known hostile inhabitants are wandering about the area. They should be considered last-effort defense weapons only. Stun-guns, perhaps, or psychological inhibitors of some sort. No aggressive weapons would be required since we could simply vanish in the event we might be detected and set upon by alien air forces.
Since our vehicle would be moving at near light speeds most of the time, communications with the home planet would be difficult unless we could either develop a signal accelerator or learn to communicate by telepathy over vast distances.
Honing our latent telepathic communication skills would virtually eliminate the need for radios and intercom systems within the ship. Each person would know precisely what to do every moment simply by tuning in to the other crew members.
Honing teleportation skills would eliminate the need for a machine to move us into and out of the vehicle. If one wanted to enter the ship, they would think it and it would be done. Of course, they would have to be able to pass through solid objects in order to accomplish this feat, so learning to transmigrate would be helpful.
Performing transmutation would be a boon to our crew. If each member could alter their virtual shape or appearance_becoming a grey figure with a large head and huge oval eyes, for instance_we could prevent inhabitants of the planets we visit from discovering our true vulnerable forms, our true mortal selves.
In time we might be able to do away with the ship completely and simply whisk ourselves to any planet in the known universe at thought speed. But for now_between 1992 and 2020_let's concentrate on building and living aboard our remarkable UFO as we journey into deep space to explore and plunder the near planets of our own solar system.
The space medicine required to keep us healthy in space has already been developed. Food processing devices and waste recycling machines have graduated from test bench items to pieces of practical hardware. Our communications devices are just adequate for the task of transmitting and receiving messages between Earth and Mars or beyond.
Scientists and engineers know the general shape and design of future space craft and they've developed most of the materials to use in their construction. Teachers are alive and well and future astronauts are being born at the rate of several hundred every minute. About the only thing preventing 20th Century humans from leaping away from Earth en masse is the power source which will allow both masslessness and acceleration to near light speeds. I suggest this will be one and the same power source.
The anti-mass field generator or Cascade Generator will render anything within its field virtually massless, thus a few ounces of thrust would be enough to propel the craft in one direction or another. Several thousand pounds of thrust could cause it to accelerate to near light speeds with no harmful effects upon the crew. It would be a total inertial system, effecting everything encompassed equally.
Several countries are eagerly exploring anti-mass field engines, most notably Japan and Germany. Their subsonic commuter trains are driven by power sources only a discovery or two away from the Cascade Generator. While they have not overcome mass or inertia, they have succeeded in overcoming the greatest terrestrial bugaboo of all: friction. Their trains ride on an invisible cushion of electro-magnetic force that separates the enormous weight of the train from the tracks by a fraction of a millimeter. It literally rides suspended in the air above the tracks.
Forward motion is achieved by changing the magnetic field of the coils in the track at incredible speeds, alternating positive and negative to pull the train along, one magnet (the track) pulling the other (the train). A similar device, refined to prevent mass, could propel our UFO someday. Not an anti-gravity device (which has so far proven unsatisfactory), but an anti-mass device projected to the hull from a central point, the AMF would allow extreme maneuvers in any direction instantly.

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