Wednesday, April 9, 2008

CANADIAN SIGHTING CE-3 landing witnessed by six, approached by two.
Seven or eight bright spherical objects were seen in the skies between 8:30 PM and 9:30 PM Eastern time, near Montreal, Canada during the summer of 1967. Six men had been swimming at a public pool in the suburbs on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River near the exit of the Champlain Bridge when they spotted several objects streaking across the southern sky almost in formation.
The objects suddenly separated and began moving in different directions very rapidly (..."almost at the speed of light."), changing course and making extreme maneuvers, stopping instantly, then streaking off in another direction, stopping and moving in apparently random patterns. They were different colors, red, orange, yellow and green.
After ten to fifteen minutes, all but one vanished instantly outward away from the earth. The single bright sphere began to descend rapidly toward a clearing. It landed behind a stand of trees near a new housing development.
Two of the men walked south along a service road to where it intersected another service road leading west. They continued down the westward road until they could enter the trees to observe the object.
The object was a large, bright yellow sphere, approximately twice the height of a telephone pole (40 to 50 feet), and emitted a sound similar to that of a diesel train engine, but alternating low and high pitch. Its shape and outline were clearly defined and observable as a sphere with dark tinted windows near the top third portion.
The men observed the object for approximately 20 minutes at a distance of 75 feet, whereupon, the object lifted from the earth and vanished rapidly upward and toward the west.
When they called a local radio station to ask if others had reported the phenomena, they were thought to be playing a joke so they gave up.
The object observed on the ground was described as having the appearance of a yellow grapefruit twice the height of a telephone pole illuminated from within by lights "as bright as the sun."
It was a hot, dry, clear, calm night. Bright stars were observed, against which the motion of these objects were compared. The objects were seen to perform extreme maneuvers, stopping, then rushing away in another direction. They did not explode or break into pieces. None emitted smoke or exhaust trails. They changed brightness, throbbing and pulsating although none ever changed shape.
The object on the ground was observed in clear air by the person who filed the report. It was a solid, three dimensional object.
No occupants were seen to exit the vehicle, although it was out of sight from the time it landed until the men entered the stand of trees. No open hatches or doors were reported. No landing gear were reported. No burning or tingling was reported. No landing prints were reported.
The objects were reported to be unlike any other object the witness had ever seen.
Aircraft, whether fixed wing or rotary wing, display certain flight characteristics identifying them as man-made objects capable only of maneuvering within the Earth's atmosphere.
Landing lights, when seen from the front of the aircraft, can be easily recognized as beams of light. If the aircraft passes the observer, the forward shining beam of light can no longer be seen.
Additionally, navigation lights required to be operating on aircraft during night maneuvers are also clearly identifiable, usually from a distance of 20 or more miles. Commercial and private aircraft display the same kinds of lights as a matter of law.
A red light appears on the port wing tip; a green light appears on the starboard wing tip; a white light is displayed on the top center fuselage or at the top of the vertical fin, and a red rotating beacon is displayed under the fuselage. During daylight and night flights a very bright white strobe light is displayed under the fuselage.
Landing lights (one or more) may be located in the leading edges of the wings, or just forward and integral with the forward landing gear, or in the nose of the aircraft. Older aircraft had landing lights that swung out of the wings in pods.
Aircraft engines, whether reciprocating or jet, make known and recognizable sounds. Rockets are extremely loud and emit great volumes of exhaust gases. People who live in civilized countries, unless they have been locked in closets all their lives, can immediately recognize the sounds and flight characteristics of aircraft built to function in our atmosphere, even when such aircraft are observed at night.
No known aircraft is capable of the extreme maneuvers displayed by UFOs such as those reported in midsummer of 1967 in Montreal, Canada. No known aircraft, even to this day, can stop in mid-flight, change directions, and speed away at thousands of miles per hour or dart up and down, back and forth while changing colors.
No aircraft known to any of the thousands of people who write books and compile catalogs of every aircraft ever built on this planet has been described as having the shape and flight characteristics or the engine sounds of those reported by a number of witnesses.
Yet, luminous spheres, large and small, have been seen traversing the skies of every country on Earth and even landing on occasion. It seems unlikely that any airforce on this planet had a squadron of luminous spheres in their inventory in 1967 or we would have seen them by now. No one could keep them a secret for 45 years unless they had a way to make you believe you didn't see them.
Although the public was denied seeing the A-117 Stealth Fighter until the Gulf War, most journalists and aircraft experts knew of its existence. The SR-71 and YF-12A were common sights on television and in magazines. The U-2 was public knowledge soon after it was built.
As remarkable as these planes are, they were just preludes to Aurora, CIA's newest spy plane. But even Aurora cannot perform the extreme maneuvers displayed by UFOs. If the US Airforce had sphere-shaped aircraft capable of performing the maneuvers and speeds reported of these objects in 1967, they would have become the ONLY type of aircraft used by all airforces in the world! We would have seen them regularly in the skies for the past 25 years. We might even have travelled from coast to coast on a commercial model by now.
No company or agency on this planet will admit to manufacturing them. But are there secret bases hangaring squadrons of luminous spheres capable of near light speeds into deep space?
If we had one or two, we would never have developed the Space Shuttle or sent primitive rockets to the moon or launched probes from earth orbit to Venus and Mars. Scientists would have jumped into the first available sphere and made the trip personally, recorded spectacular events in their journals and spent hours showing us pictures on television!
That means the true UFOs must be coming to this planet from somewhere else, and if they are capable of moving at near light speeds or tripping the stargates, that somewhere else might be several galaxies removed from us.
Serious study must be made of the characteristics of the sphere sighted in Canada in 1967. A sphere that is solid but appears to be lighted from within might be radiating energy from a source that could identify the kind of propulsion system used by at least this type of UFO.
What would sound like the engine of a diesel train, alternating high and low pitch*, and radiate such brilliance? What kind of inertial system would allow such extreme maneuvers without harming the occupants? If an object 40 or 50 feet in diameter were surrounded by an anti mass field, how much power would be needed to propel it away from the earth at thousands of miles per second?
If you or anyone you know can support this sighting, or confirm it, write and request an official report form.
* This sound has been reported by a number of people worldwide. Residents of Taos, New Mexico have heard the "idling diesel" for several years_underground!

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