Sunday, April 20, 2008



This book will prepare you for the difficult task of job hunting.
Not only will it show you how to get a job but it will show you
how to keep your job and get the most out of it. You will be able
to use the most modern psychological measures in dealing with
other people so that you are always ahead. Follow the instruction
in this book and see yourself go to the top.


Know What You Want

You should be perfectly clear of what you want. Don't give
yourself vague objectives such as "any job that pays." Make your
objectives and goals very definite and specific. Your first step
to getting a successful job is knowing precisely what you want.
Ask yourself this question and write down the answer on a sheet
of paper.

Expect The Best But Prepare For Adversity

Always expect success, but prepare for the bad things in life.
Adversity happens to the best of us. Our challenge is to conquer
adversity. Adversity is a great teacher; learn its lessons well.
Remember, if you haven't been through bad times, you are far from

Be Positive

When you create a "win,win, win" attitude, you will start to win.
When you start to think positively, everything around you will be
positive. Whatever you expect to take place will take place. If
you want things to be good, they will be good. You are the master
of your destiny. Destiny DOES NOT rule you.

Be Confident

You must have confidence in yourself. If you are not confident in
yourself, people will not be confident in you. People admire and
respect confident people. You will even admire and respect
yourself more. If you have doubts about yourself, other people
will have doubts about you, also.

Action Is The Key

Do whatever you have to do to get where you want to. Commit
yourself to action. Don't put off your plans, start today. The
only way you will achieve success is if you act now. You must act
now with full force if you want to achieve your dreams. Plan to
act out your ideas today.

Visualize Your New Job

Look ahead and visualize the job you want. Tell yourself how much
you want the job and what you are willing to do for it. Your
dreams will become your reality if you let them. Know what your
dreams are. Visualize success in your mind so well that it is
almost real.

Be Persistent

Be persistent to do better. Anything worth doing is worth doing
again and again and again. Don't let rejection stop you from
reaching your goals. Keep trying and you will succeed. Nobody
makes it the first time. Try over and over again and don't stop
until you get what you want. There is no going back.

It's Going To Cost You

Nobody gets a free ride. If you want something, you must pay for
it. It is going to be hard to get what you want, but it will be
well worth it when you are successful. The best things in life
are the hard things.

Other People Can help You

People will help you to get where you want to go. You will never
make it alone easily. People can teach you and help you become a
better person. Listen to other people--you will learn from them.
If someone helps you, don't forget to reward him.

Demand A Lot

When you demand a lot, you get a lot. Your expectations of others
and yourself will become a reality if you expect them to be real.
What you expect to happen, will happen. If you push yourself
hard, you will start to see results. demand and you will receive.


Look through the help and want ads of newspapers and professional
and trade journals. Find out where government jobs are listed and
then try out for a state, local or federal job. Check with your
state employment center--it may be able to get you a lead. Most
schools have job placement centers, check with them. The
secretaries of civic organizations and the Chamber of Commerce
may have some leads for you You may be able to get a job by going
to a job fair. If you are a minority or need special assistance,
you may be able to get help finding a job from special interest
groups. Check at your public library for further information.

Where You Can get Job Leads

Trade conventions and organizations that relate to your field may
be able to get you job leads. Ask relatives and friends if they
can furnish you with any leads in your field. Place a job ad in
newspapers or professional journals.


A resume is helpful for any type of professional job you are
trying out for. A good and effective resume will lead you to
personal interviews.

Preparing Your Resume

You must write down a collection of all the information about
yourself on a sheet of paper. After all of this information is
organized, transfer it to a resume. Only use the training and
experience that are relevant to the job which you are applying.
Write down all the information that relates to your goal on your
data sheet. When you are mentioning jobs that are unrelated to
the job you are applying for, be brief. Tell your prospective
employer anything and everything that's in your favor and will
interest him. Arrange the information so it catches your
prospective employer's attention.

To determine what you should put in the beginning of your resume,
think of what your potential employer will feel is important. You
can organize your experience by job or by function. Your resume
should be detailed enough to give an employer all the important
facts on you, but it should not be too long or an employer may
not read it. Employers are busy people and they want the facts in
a few words as possible. When writing out your resume, don't
mention anything negative about yourself. If you have never had
any work experience and the job calls for work experience,should
you put "none" in that section of your resume? No. If you have
never had nay previous work experience, don't even include work

Make Your Resume Impressive

Your resume must be typed on a good typewriter. Remember, when a
prospective employer looks at a resume he subconsciously relates
the quality of your resume with the quality of your work. It is
the only thing he sees of you. The most impressive resumes are
not five-color jobs on 20-cent paper. If your resume is too
flashy, your prospective employer may not be too impressed. Don't
pass out carbon copies of your resume because they look cheap and
they tell an employer that you gave the original to someone else.
Research has shown that resumes printed on yellow paper with



When your envelopes aren't opened, you can't make money! Before
you can get an order, the recipient of your mailing package must
first open the envelope. Unfortunately, many recipients of
direct mail simply discard the material without opening the

Because of the high costs of printing, envelopes, and postage,
your mailing package represents a sizable investment. You
simply can't afford to make this investment, and then have your
sales material discarded in unopened envelopes.

With the following methods, you will have a substantial
reduction in the number of unopened envelopes and a pleasantly
profitable increase in sales.

1. If you envelope looks like junk mail, it will be treated like
junk mail (in other words, thrown in the trash without being
opened). The solution is simple - don't mail your material in
envelopes that look like junk mail.

2. Avoid using mailing labels, because they make your envelopes
look like junk mail.

3. Type the addresses on your envelopes.

4. Neatly write or print the addresses on your envelopes.

5. If you don't have time to use method three or four, then pay
someone to address the envelopes for you. Pay them for each
envelope they address; do not pay them by the hour.

6. If you must use labels, then use colored labels.

7. If colored labels are too expensive, you can color white labels
with a marking pen. Fluorescent marking pens are especially
good for this purpose. You can find these in office supply
stores, discount variety stores, discount pharmacies, etc.

8. Use colored envelopes.

( * The Post Office will not appreciate your colored labels and
envelopes. These items create problems for their optical
scanning equipment.)

9. Use first class postage and print FIRST CLASS in several places
on the envelope. An inexpensive rubber stamp, with red ink,
makes an "official" looking impression.

10. Do not rubber stamp the return address on your envelopes. This
looks extremely unprofessional.

11. Avoid using labels for the return address - this also looks

12. Pay a print shop to print your return address on your outgoing
envelopes. This isn't expensive, and it creates a more
professional image.

13. Use a colored typewriter ribbon to address envelopes.

14. Use a colored pen to address envelopes. For example, I like red

15. Address your envelopes on the back side.

16. Print or rubber stamp a short message on your envelopes. This
is a very effective with material that is mailed to persons who
inquire in response to magazine ads. For example, we advertise
a Free Mailing List Dealership. When we receive inquiries about
our dealership, we rubber stamp this message on all outgoing
envelopes - "You requested this FREE Dealership".

17. Commemorative stamps are more attractive than standard issue
stamps, and they are the same price. Use them. That's an easy
way to get your envelopes opened.

18. Use marking pens to draw designs on your envelopes. even a
series of straight lines, in a variety of colors, will draw

19. You can buy paste-on dots, stars, smiley faces, and so forth,
from an office supply store. Place these on your envelopes.

20. Instead of buying one first class stamp, buy several stamps in
smaller denominations that add up to the same price. This
catches attention because it looks more expensive.

21. Large mail order companies occasionally place some type of solid
object inside their envelopes. For example, specialty
advertising companies use inexpensive pencils, pens, plastic
pocket calendars, etc. You can also use this idea. For best
results, try to tie the object in to your offer.

22. Tape a penny to your sales letter. Then, in the sales letter,
offer to give your prospective customer a discount - perhaps $5
or $10 - in exchange for the penny.

23. Use envelopes with windows.

24. With window envelopes, the recipient's address must be inside
the envelope and placed so it shows through the window. Take
advantage of this. Place the address on some type of Cash
Coupon that looks like a check.

25. Use large envelopes, such as 6 1/2 by 9 1/2 inches, or even 9 by
12 inches. This is expensive, but the envelope will be opened.

26. "The more you tell, the more you sell." Use a large envelope
and include plenty of sales material. This is very effective
with higher price offers.

A few of these methods are a little eccentric, and a few are
more expensive than normal methods, but they will all help to
get your envelopes opened and increase your sales.

We promised you twenty-one methods, and we have actually given
you twenty six! That's because we believe in giving our
customers more than their money's worth. I recommend that you
try this with your own business - you'll find that it pays big

Wednesday, April 9, 2008



Many people who deny the existence of UFOs do so because they have not seen one and, indeed, do not even know how to go about observing UFOs and TLOs.
The "classic" sighting is one where the witness sees a three-dimensional, metal object hovering in the sky at low altitude or very near (if not touching) the ground, usually in a remote area and generally when the witness is alone. The witness is so bedazzled by the appearance of the craft that they cannot give a good description of it and cannot recall many of the important details, including its actual shape!
But UFOs must come from somewhere and go to somewhere on or near Earth. That means they may traverse the skies from coast to coast all the time at speeds too fast to record by the human eye or mind except, perhaps, subconsciously. Even cameras with fast film and high shutter speeds may often be inadequate to record the flights of these craft. Here's why:
Let us assume, for purposes of illustration, that a bright craft 500 feet in diameter and moving at 15,000 miles per hour enters the atmosphere and could be seen by a steady human eye at an altitude of 30,400 feet (5 nautical miles). Let's say it is first observed moving East to West at a slant range of 200 miles by a person in St. Louis, Missouri. When first seen, the UFO would be somewhere over southern Indiana generally above Evansville.

Control your very own UFO as it glides, hovers and flies! Radio Remote Controlled RC UFO for $9.95 Only!

At a speed of 15,000 miles per hour the UFO would be directly above St. Louis in about 40 seconds. Forty seconds later, it would disappear from sight in the West above Kansas City. The UFO would have traveled some 400 miles in about 80 seconds.
Since the human eye generally cannot acquire objects that small at distances so great, we must confine the area of sighting to about 100 miles total (50 miles on either side of the observer) in clear sky with unlimited visibility. The entire sighting area would be restricted to a line no greater than the distance from St. Louis to Hannibal, Missouri (or perhaps to Quincy, Illinois).
The UFO would traverse the 100 miles in 25 seconds if moving at a speed of 15,000 miles per hour.
But assume the UFO is moving at a speed of 200 km (124 miles) per second, a speed estimated as that of the craft photographed orbiting our moon. At that speed the UFO would travel through the area of sighting in less than one-half second! Unless you were looking directly at it and knew which direction it would be moving; unless your camera was pointed at exactly the spot where it would first appear, was on and recording, and unless you could pan with the object as it passed overhead, you would not even see it or know that it flew over your cities!
At 200 km per second (450,000 miles per hour), the UFO would make the entire trip from Key West, Florida to Victoria, BC, a distance of some 3000 miles in about 24 seconds! It would not be in your field of view long enough for your brain to record its passing!
To make matters worse, we have completely discounted clouds, trees or buildings which might obstruct our view of the skies. If the sighting was recorded at night and if the UFO was seen as light reflected from the setting sun (rather than transmitted), it would reach a point in its passing where it would move beyond the terminator and would no longer reflect light from the sun. For all practical purposes, it would become invisible to the unaided human eye at that point.
So how may we record the flights of UFOs that are traversing the skies of Earth at any given time day and night? A fairly simple but not inexpensive device can help us record the fleeting images automatically. Construction of the device will require 1) the help of 12 friends with video cameras, or 2) the purchase of 12 identical video cameras. 3) Purchase and construction of a parabolic sound recording dish, tapes and recorders.
Preferably, the video cameras should be identical and should be capable of recording data directly onto the tape (dates, times, camera number, etc.). The focal length of the lenses should be identical and the size and recording time of the tapes should be identical for obvious reasons.
We will have to utilize 12 cameras because a normal personal video camera generally will cover an area of 35§ horizontal field of view. Placing 12 of the cameras on a circular platform will give us coverage of the entire 360§ horizon with some overlap for reference points.
Because vertical coverage is normally only about 25§, the cameras should be tilted upward to include only a degree or two of the horizon. This will still leave a void from about 25§ to the zenith, or a total of about 100§ overhead that will not be covered unless you want to invest in several more cameras.
Generally speaking, most UFO sightings seem to occur within this 25§ of area covered by our camera arrangement so we should be able to record something nearly every night.
One good thing about video tape is that you can rewind and reuse it if you do not record any significant images. All aircraft lights, automobile lights, meteors and lights reflected from satellites (if observed and identified) should be discounted at once. We are only interested in those craft or phenomena referred to as UFOs or TLOs.
Since the cameras and platform will be left outside and operating most of the night, they should be protected from moisture. This will require construction of angled windows made of optically clear glass. Additionally, because some condensation may form inside the enclosed housing, some sort of low temperature heating or evaporating device should be employed.
The cameras and recording devices should be connected to house current and should be rigged to shut off when all the tape is expended. If you stay awake to monitor the devices, this automatic shut-off feature may be eliminated from the plan.
Smaller and less expensive cameras are those used to monitor children or infants. These are "see only" cameras and must be connected to recording devices (VCR recorders) and monitors. This set up would require 12 cameras, 12 recorders and 12 monitors (if you plan to sit and watch). Eliminate the monitors if you only plan to replay each tape when you arise the following morning.
The advantage of this set up would be placement of the recorders and monitors in a protected environment, eliminating the possibility that moisture (dew, rain, snow) might damage your expensive video equipment and the tapes. Additionally, VCR recorders will shut off automatically when all the tape has been expended. Set on SLP, the recorders could tape up to six hours of surveillance data each night (more if you load your own cassettes or can find 8-hour tapes).
Because the light transmitted from UFOs and TLOs is so brilliant, you should give some serious thought to using neutral density filters when taping these objects. By reducing the amount of light entering the lens, we may be able to more clearly identify the hull shapes and any prominent features (portholes, sensing devices, etc.) not normally visible because of the intensity of the light surrounding them.
Additionally, colored filters should be used on hand-held cameras to eliminate certain colors while enhancing others. During daylight shoots, try to use a minus blue filter (yellow to amber) to darken the sky and brighten floating objects, including clouds and UFOs. Make certain the camera is in focus and batteries are fully charged. Anything you can do to enhance the sharpness and definition of the images will increase the chances of properly identifying what you have recorded.
A word about filters: Filters prevent their own color from being seen while passing all other colors in an altered fashion. If you use a red filter, colors like green and blue may be transmitted as black; yellow and white as orange, etc. This is not particularly a disadvantage as those altered colors may reveal things about UFOs we cannot normally see in the visible spectrum. Infrared and Ultraviolet films and filters will reveal a great many more things considered totally invisible to the unaided human eye!
Because sound can be enhanced or separated with sophisticated equipment, you should make every attempt to record the night sounds during your taping sessions. Audio tape, like video tape, can be used over and over if you record no significant sounds. Even if you think you have recorded no sounds while having recorded the passage of a UFO, take the audio tape to a sound studio and have them analyze it carefully, particularly for sounds outside the range of human hearing. Their instruments can do this easily, although not inexpensively.
All intelligence information is important! Sounds, no less than visual images, can reveal important clues about UFOs and TLOs, including the power source and reasons for the absence of sonic waves. A fairly inexpensive piece of equipment all UFO researchers should carry is a "BIG EAR" parabolic dish you can attach to almost any directional microphone and recording device.
The "EAR" directs sound to the sensitive tip of the microphone rather than allowing the sound to scatter in all directions. A good directional microphone coupled with a parabolic dish can enhance sound hundreds of times over that received by the human ear.

PERFECT COVER: How "aliens" and UFOs are used to hide secret military projects.

PERFECT COVER: How "aliens" and UFOs are used to hide secret military projects.

Amazing Alien! It is hairless, has no eyelids, is about the same size as an adolescent human teenage girl, comes from Zeta Reticuli, drives a spaceship no one has ever been aboard, zips from here to there in a twinkling and has been tampering with human genetic codes for about 10,000 to 30,000 years (or so some would have us believe). It might have been created by genetic engineers in one of those secret underground labs right here on Earth! On the other hand, it could be an intelligence agent or military member dressed up in a funny suit!
If I had a secret intelligence organization and I wanted to be able to go anywhere, anytime and do anything I wanted while I gathered intelligence information on any person or country without having to answer to anyone if (or when) I got caught, I would "create" an "alien" life form, let it fly around in my amazing saucer-shaped craft armed with the latest weapons and detection-evading systems and deny knowing anything about it.
That way, if a saucer crashed or someone got lucky and killed one of my agents, I would not be held responsible for violating anyone's civil rights or for violating any international laws with respect to espionage.
It would be the perfect cover.
Or if I had a secret intelligence organization trying to find out who was controlling the "aliens", and if I wanted to devise methods of detecting and destroying or, at least, repelling the "aliens" and their controllers, I would try to obtain one of their aircraft and crews and I would take everything apart and see how it worked. That way I could invent machines to counter their incursions into my air space.
But I wouldn't tell anyone in the general public what I was doing because I might want to join the "aliens" someday (to save my life or political career), or I might want to use their methods to control the citizens of my country after declaring the beginning of the New World Order.

Save 10% on all RC helicopters, airplanes, and more at using coupon code: CJ10($50.00 minimum purchase required)

It would be the perfect cover if I could always blame some unknown "aliens." If things went bust, I could simply tell the world that I knew nothing about the "alien" life forms, that it was obviously an "invasion" from another galaxy but that the last ten administrations knew all about it and had been helping the "aliens" take over for forty years. You can see how this would enhance my opportunities if I had aspirations for the highest office in America, especially if I had forty or fifty years of intelligence information to back up my claim.
By the way, if you have a photograph of a real alien, send it along. We'd like to see one!



A number of people contend that secret societies have financed Science Fiction and Science Fantasy films to prepare us for the day when we are overwhelmed by off world beings who are coming to harvest us as food.
My response to this suggestion is: BALONEY! If a secret agency or secret society is financing films like Close Encounters, ET, Mac and Me, and other films considered "pro-alien," who is financing the anti-alien films such as Predator I and II, Alien I, II, and III, Terminator, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Body Snatchers, The Thing and others?
How can some UFOlogists claim pro-alien films are financed secretly to persuade us to love the aliens who will ultimately eat us for dinner, then dismiss anti-alien films as just accidents or of no consequence? Why not face the truth of the matter and admit that some filmmakers are entranced by the idea that aliens might be cute innocent little baby-like creatures who mean us no harm, while others see aliens as mean, ugly beasts who want to destroy Earth and all who dwell here?
Science Fiction and Science Fantasy films, unlike war propaganda films which are often financed by the government, are clearly the creative choices of the filmmakers, not the dictates of intelligence agencies or secret societies or body-snatching aliens! It is just this kind of nonsense that distracts us from serious research and investigation of the UFO phenomena. The sooner we drop it, the sooner we can uncover the real meaning behind the sightings, contacts and abductions!

MOONBASE ALPHA: U.S. Army proposed building a base on the lunar surface in 1958!

MOONBASE ALPHA: U.S. Army proposed building a base on the lunar surface in 1958!
In January 1958, Lt. General Arthur G. Trudeau, upon relinquishing command of troops stationed in South Korea to become chief of army research and development, promised to inject a "vigorous attitude" into U. S. Army missile and weapons programs.
In a secret message dispatched to Major General John Bruce Medaris, head of the army's ballistic missile program, Trudeau declared a "proposal to establish a lunar outpost to be of critical importance to the U. S. Army in the future."
Medaris and von Braun promptly organized a task force to address the project which was to utilize Redstone's new Saturn boosters to place men and material onto the lunar surface. One of the men they employed was H. H. Koelle, head of von Braun's launch vehicle analysis group. Koelle, although enraptured by rocket science at an early age had not found his way to either the Raketenflugplatz or to Peenemunde. At the outbreak of the war he had joined the Luftwaffe, became a pilot, and was shot down and captured by the Americans. After the war he founded the German Space Society in 1948 and began a seven-year exchange of letters with von Braun which culminated in an offer of employment at Redstone Arsenal, which Koelle accepted in 1955.
Koelle and his task force set out to propose a daring mission, beginning with a statement of purpose. Foremost of the benefits to be reaped from a lunar base would be a unique reconnaissance and surveillance platform. Additionally, the lunar base was expected to improve communications on Earth and deep space by establishing a high-powered relay station. They also offered the civilian scientific community an opportunity to establish an independent research laboratory there. Finally, the lunar base would have provided a low-gravity launch platform for excursions into deep space.
The Redstone team saw this as much more than imaginative speculation and theatrical adventures. "Project Horizon" gave the Saturn boosters a mission. Their report, completed and rushed to Trudeau on June 9th, 1959, promised landing of cargo on the lunar surface would begin in January, 1965 with the first cadre of personnel to follow three months later!
Thereafter, the moonlift project would move into high gear, and by November 1966, twenty-two months after the initial landings on the moon, nearly 150 Saturn boosters would have delivered over two hundred tonnes of useful cargo. An additional 100 tonnes would be delivered the following year, including cylindrical tanks twenty feet long and ten feet in diameter to be used in building a permanent lunar station capable of supporting twelve scientists or technicians.
Unfortunately, the fates threw a wrench into the game in the person of Dr. Herbert F. York. As director of defense research and engineering, he was in a position to dictate scientific and technical matters to the secretary of defense and he wasted neither time nor words on Army Secretary William Brucker and General Medaris. Expressing his belief that "nothing yet suggested by the military, even after trying hard for several years, indicates any genuine need for a man in space," York effectively formed the strategy that would keep America's Army deeply rooted on terra firma.
Aware that Defense Secretary McElroy wanted to be rid of the expensive Saturn and knowing no constraints had been placed on NASA for superboosters, Dr. York offered them not only the Saturn booster, but the transfer of ABMA's entire rocket organization of several thousand people!
And that's how NASA got into the big booster business and that's how America put men on the moon before the advent of the Shuttle program.
Whether or not the army placed men and materials on the moon subsequent to the first lunar excursions is a topic of heated debate. Something is up there! Russian and Japanese astronomers filmed an enormous vehicle (perhaps one kilometer in diameter) orbiting the moon, casting a good solid shadow on the surface as it passed north to south at the estimated speed of 200 kilometers (124 miles) per second!
That figures out to be 450,000 miles per hour. If the craft moved on impulse power alone it could travel from the moon to Earth, a distance of 240,000 miles, in about 25 minutes, roughly the same amount of time it would take to eat a decent meal.
The Russian scientist, clearly awed by the sighting, said, "Can you imagine it? A space station that large, traveling so fast?"
A TV photographer filming a documentary on a farm near Bellevue, Wisconsin also inadvertently captured the image of a large vehicle entering Earth's atmosphere in broad daylight. Using the Cirrus clouds at 25,000 feet and the height of the windmill as reference points, the craft was calculated to be 500 feet in length, above 50,000 feet (10 miles) and moving at 14,000 miles per hour! The object was clearly a real nuts and bolts-three dimensional craft.
If the Army or Air Force is not driving this immense vehicle out of and into Earth's atmosphere and to the lunar surface, Dr. York would have good reason to regret his decision to reject an army base there when we had the boosters and motivation to do so thirty years ago!
If earthlings are not the owners of that vehicle, then we had better spend some time and money to discover why it is in lunar orbit and why it comes to Earth from time to time (to capture humans or to rotate the Army's lunar crews?) A vehicle one kilometer in diameter (slightly greater than one-half mile) obviously required some time, money and effort to build and most certainly requires a lifting technology of which we laypeople are unaware.
But if we possessed the ability to lift men and materials to the lunar surface in the early 1960's, when the world's collective attention was upon the Vietnam conflict and civil unrest in America, we most certainly have better technology now. The VTOL Freighters have been on the drawing boards for years, particularly those for the military. Using the proven "Shuttle" hull and tilt turbine engines and scram jets, it could lift enormous weight from desert bases and place it into Earth orbit. Three days later (or less) the freighter could be landing on the moon.
Crews could be rotated every three to six months. Neither the journey nor the assignment would be outside the bounds of current technology or physical and psychological constraints.
But the question is: Why? What are the lunar crews doing up there? If they are mining the lunar surface, what are they doing with the extracted materials? Is the kilometer-size vehicle loaded with lunar soil, gold, silver, hydrogen, oxygen? Does the engine run on the very soil it digs from the lunar surface? Are there processing plants on Earth to convert the ore and materials into something worth the time and effort? Where are they? Who owns them?
The ten seconds of film from the Japanese astronomers is the most compelling evidence that a huge vehicle is in orbit around the moon. If it is an Earth vehicle owned and operated by earthlings for the benefits of humans, fine. If it is a vehicle from another galaxy or solar system, should we not find out what they are doing here? If someone here is in cahoots with them, it's time to find out why, and discover why we who pay their wages have been excluded from the decision process.
The Gulf War, which revealed some of the marvels envisioned during the Vietnam conflict, proved, if anything, that America can win any war, anytime, against any foe, and do it in a minimum amount of time with a minimum loss of American troops. EWACS and AWACS and Joint STARS can pinpoint anything that moves on land or in the air for several hundred miles in any direction. Strike aircraft and ground to air missiles can find and destroy anything man-made that moves within the view of military detection equipment. Ground forces can be instantly alerted to the movements of enemy troops and can destroy them with an arsenal of sophisticated weapons without ever acquiring them visually.
But do military air forces and ground forces engage UFOs hovering or cavorting for hours over American cities? They do not!
There are only a few reasons why the military does not attempt to intercept and destroy vehicles that have entered our air space: 1) They have concluded that it would be futile to try since the (alien) UFOs can always detect and evade incoming weapons; 2) They don't want to engage the UFOs because they are American (or allied) secret aircraft and are operating in American air space with permission; 3) They are alien craft operating in American air space with permission; 4) The UFOs cannot be detected with any system currently in American military inventories; 5) The UFOs aren't really there at all but, rather, are images projected mechanically or telepathically to the viewers, which images can also be recorded on video tape! (Which leaves us with a whole new set of mysteries!)
It has been said rather poetically that, "The Sky Keeps No Memories." Whatever occurs in the ether vanishes when the event has passed. But video cameras keep rather astounding memories and we should make every attempt to obtain clear, sharp images of any unusual craft traversing the skies of planet Earth (or moon if you have a good telescope).
The Gulf War, like the Vietnam conflict, was a theatrical diversion to keep the world's attention away from spectacular aircraft and UFOs that are now orbiting the moon and, perhaps, freefalling toward deep space with human cargos destined for the Martian colonies.
Some UFOlogists have insisted for years that America has military or scientific outposts not only on the moon, but on Mars as well. They may be right about that but one wonders why no one has come forward to leak the information to the general public. Perhaps they are vigorously dissuaded from doing so by threats of death.
A craft capable of traveling at 450,000 miles per hour could make the 35,000,000 mile journey to Mars in about 80 hours (Friday afternoon to Monday morning) whereas a conventionally powered craft requires about three months.
But if America has developed engines capable of driving space craft at such fantastic speeds, why do they not use the technology to propel automobiles, ships and conventional aircraft?
Number One: Such a revelation to a society based upon a fossil fuel economy would destroy the very fabric of our cultures. Millions upon millions of people would become unemployed if such an engine were to be introduced onto world markets.
At the present time there is simply no room for the perfect power source in a society designed to either produce fossil fuels or to be driven by them.*


The Paperclip Conspiracy,
The Hunt for the Nazi Scientists; Tom Bowker;
Little, Brown & Company, 1987, ISBN 0-316-10399-3
The Rocketmakers,
The Dreamers Who Made Space Flight a Reality.
Harry Wulforst; Orion Books, 1990, ISBN 0-517-56586-2
Stealth Technology,
The Art of Black Magic; J. Jones; TAB AERO, 1991,
ISBN 0-8306-8381-3

GETNOW WHAT IS THIS? Odd things in the sky; discs coming from the sea near Hawaii!

GETNOW WHAT IS THIS? Odd things in the sky; discs coming from the sea near Hawaii!

I recently received a large packet of information from a reader which contained a transcript of a recorded lecture by Bill Cooper, and a computer printout of several reports of UFO sightings in Belgium.
Belgium Air Force officials categorically deny that the UFOs sighted by police, citizens, Air Force personnel and government officials are military aircraft (particularly US secret aircraft), and especially not F-117s or B-2 Stealth Bombers.
True, they are not F-117 Nighthawks or B-2 Bombers. They are THAP RPVs. This is what people are seeing worldwide. THAPs may be configured as RPV photo surveillance and cartographic scanning vehicles. In other words, it obtains images that are subsequently made into computerized maps for systems like Joint STARS, and for inclusion in remote VCASS simulator control units.
Joint STARS stands for Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System. Originally mounted in aging 707s, this system utilizes radar images overlaid onto computerized maps of any region of the world and can pinpoint single human beings from several hundred miles away. This information is displayed on any of a dozen monitors in the airborne aircraft and, simultaneously, to ground units (Army and Marine) who are in a position to strike the people and/or machines observed on the screens. The information is also instantly transmitted to air squadrons who are in a position to attack and destroy the enemy units.
STARS was used during the Gulf War to observe Iraqi reinforcements moving toward Al Kafje in Kuwait. They never made it. STARS was also used to observe Iraqi units leaving Kuwait City in the face of advancing coalition forces. The "Highway To Hell" scenario attests to the effectiveness of the STARS system. Nothing moves on the face of Earth that cannot be seen and tracked and ultimately destroyed by using Joint STARS.
But, in order for STARS to work, it must first have accurate, up-to-date maps of the area over which the 707s (and other aircraft) will fly (the Theater of Operations). These up-to-date charts and computer maps with roads, lakes, even foliage, are obtained by 1) Aurora, and 2) THAP RPVs.
By now, STARS is probably standard equipment on most tactical penetrators and on all Aurora aircraft since it seems no longer necessary to have the 707s in the loop, they having proved that STARS is a viable airborne system.
But, why, you might ask, is the CIA mapping the whole world? No answer is required; you can figure it out for yourself, I think. Cold War mentality and the grandeur of ultimate power rank very high as reasons. Also see my Report #1, ref: mapping for future space flights.
Next subject: Bill Cooper.
I really don't know what to make of Bill Cooper. I have a video tape of one of his lectures in which he makes a lot of serious historical errors and contradictions.
I realize the reader was transcribing from a tape and might have heard some things incorrectly, however, if transcribed properly, some errors appear that Mr. Cooper could not possibly have made if he is telling the truth (rather than just guessing).
1) He claims his Security Classification TS/M/RI* is imprinted on the front of his DD-214. Not likely. It would not even be imprinted on the back of the DD-214. There is no space for it. The DD-214 is a record of a person's enlistment, date of entry, dates of promotions, duty stations and dates, awards, medals and ribbons, date and type of discharge. Security clearances are shown on separate sheets of paper provided by the investigating agency.
2) He claims (if heard right) that BI stands for Bureau of Investigation. Not so. BI stands for Background Investigation. Information on the page will tell who performed the investigation. It is not always the FBI. A Background Investigation is standard procedure for anyone requesting or required to obtain a security clearance and does not denote any particular priority or favor to the person. A person obtaining a Confidential clearance (lowest) will receive a BI just as a person receiving a Crypto clearance (highest known) will receive the same, although more complete, BI.
3) Project Grudge was the Air Force investigation of UFO sightings which was later changed to Project Blue Book. It seems unlikely they would have two operations with the same name. The government doesn't normally work that way.
4) The MAJority documents have been tested and found to have been falsified.
5) The Germans built and test flew a highly advanced jet-powered saucer shaped craft in 1944, very near the end of the war. It was built by the BMW plant in Prague and was destroyed so it would not fall into allied hands (so the intelligence reports would have us believe).
The reason Germany was unable to deploy these aircraft against allied troops was because it was NOT derived from alien technology, although it most certainly used advanced (for that time) ideas. The allies may or may not have captured a disk which later flew (1946-47) from the American Southwest National Ranges. We may be seeing developments of those aircraft today!
6) Mr. Cooper names Professor Hermann Oberth as "James Oberth", and claims he was the greatest rocket scientists who ever lived. Professor Oberth, considered by many to be the "father" of German rocket science, did not "retire" from government service; he elected to go back to Germany after only a two-year "scientific advisor" position at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama (1955 to 1957). His expertise in the field of rocketry was deemed so inconsequential that his "advisor" position was offered on a one-year basis, renewable by request of either party. Professor Oberth realized that his stipend from the German government would be many times greater than his salary at Redstone or any accrued retirement, so he went back to Germany.
Professor Oberth was actually barred from Dornberger's military rocket center at Kummersdorf during the 1930s because he was of Rumanian citizenship and considered a potential spy! That made him ineligible to work at Peenemunde as well. In 1938 he moved to Vienna where he investigated the possibilities of liquid propelled rockets, remaining there until 1940, when he moved to Dresden, Germany to take a similar middle-post position. Not until one year later, in 1941, when he requested to return to Mediash, Romania, did he discover that he was a virtual prisoner in Germany because he knew a bit too much about Nazi rocket developments.
He had two options: To renounce his Rumanian citizenship and become a naturalized German or to remain on the Nazi's "alien" list, a course which could land him in a concentration camp. He chose German citizenship, and the Nazis sent him to Peenemunde in 1941 where, after recovering from the shock of learning of the great advances of von Braun's team, he was assigned an inconsequential position as "consulting engineer."
In 1943 he was transferred to Wittenberg and remained there as an "investigator" until the war ended in 1945. Intensive interrogation by allied intelligence units revealed that he did not possess information worthy of exploitation so he was allowed to return to his country house in Feucht, West Germany.
Until 1952 he could do little more than" grow cabbages and turnips in my little vegetable garden," and he was unable to land a job even as a teacher in a secondary school. Eberhard Rees, von Braun's deputy at Redstone Arsenal, learned of Oberth's plight in 1952 and he was subsequently employed there in 1955, again, as only a "scientific advisor." It would be interesting to find out where the Oberth "press conference" was held (if) and obtain news releases. Perhaps Mr. Cooper can provide them.
Other information contained in his report is only half-researched and half-correct. It makes me doubt his credibility since it seems necessary, in explaining the UFO phenomena, to be correct all the time (allowing for minor typos or misinterpretation of dates or job descriptions, etc.). Making just one mistake can cast a great deal of suspicion on the entire testimony. Mr. Cooper has made several mistakes, and glaring ones at that! If his other information is true (documents he saw while in Hawaii, craft rising from and diving into the sea), why would he taint it with obviously incorrect information about historic figures and historic events? If he has not researched historic (verifiable) events except summarily, then how deeply has he probed other (unverifiable) events?
Much of the information Mr. Cooper lectures about is speculation that has circulated through inner circles since about 1950. I was reading most of it in 1964 when I was attached to 1) Naval Reconnaissance Technical Support Center and 2) Defense Intelligence Agency in Washington, DC. Except for a very small percent which could not be verified, nearly all of it has been shown to be speculation or downright false information.
But if Mr. Cooper wants us to believe him, why would he make false statements any of us can verify with a phone call, a letter to the Navy Department, or trip to our local library? Surely he doesn't expect us to take everything he says at face value without doing some investigating on our own!
Witnesses and investigators of the Belgium sightings were astounded by the maneuvers of the UFOs. One UFO speeded up when acquired by the radar of a pursuing F-16 from about 280 KPH to 1800 KPH while descending from 3000 meters to 1700 meters in one second, an acceleration of 40 Gs!
As the F-16 continued to search for the intruder, the UFO dove for the ground until at an altitude of 200 meters, at which time it was below the scan of the ground radar.
One G is equivalent to the exact force of the gravity of Earth, or 9.81 meters per second per second. Since humans generally die at forces greater than 8G, everyone assumes the vehicles are unmanned or are manned by creatures not of human origin.
They fail to take into consideration the possibility of an anti-mass field surrounding the vehicle and its passengers. A vehicle and crew rendered massless would not be subjected to inertial forces and could, therefore, perform extreme maneuvers without harm to the airframe or to the crew.
Another objection was the absence of sound, especially of engine noises or a sonic wave as the vehicle accelerated past the speed of sound at tree-top level. Sound, which is a wave vibrating in air, can be nullified by computers emitting the exact opposite wave.
Additionally, reflected light, which is also a wave vibrating in air, can be altered by causing the vehicle to vibrate at frequencies not visible to human senses or recording devices, rendering the aircraft virtually invisible!

THE BIG PICTURE! Genetic engineering for 10,000 years? Some say YES!

THE BIG PICTURE! Genetic engineering for 10,000 years? Some say YES!
About 30,000 to 10,000 years ago, something odd occurred in the evolution of homo sapiens: a new and different kind of modern human appeared almost magically and began evolving beside Neanderthal man in Europe and the Middle East.
The Saldanha Man of South Africa, the Montmaurin Man of France, the Rhodesian Man of Africa, and Neanderthal Man of Europe and the Middle East all existed generally during the early part of the upper Pleistocene era with the Neanderthal Man actually overlapping the appearance of Cro-Magnon Man of Europe after about 30,000 years ago.
There is ample evidence to suggest that Neanderthal Man and Modern Man lived side by side even up to historic times in Europe, the Neanderthals having been interbred with Modern Man to the point that they are no longer recognizable as Neanderthals in much the same way that the Ainu have merged into the mainstream of modern Japanese stock.
Cro-Magnon Man seems to have emerged as a separate species of homo sapiens and related sciences agree that in Earth's recent history, Cro-Magnon underwent a change that is difficult to explain: He lost most of his body hair and he began walking completely upright. He developed layers of fat to help keep him warm and sweat glands to keep him cool.
While scientists agree something happened to dramatically alter the human creature 30,000 to 10,000 years ago, leading him quite suddenly from a stone tool -hunter-gatherer-wandering furry semi-primate tree and cliff dwelling society towards a monogamous-pair bonded-law-making-technologically oriented spaceward-looking society, they cannot, of course, agree on what the event was.
The skeletal remains of a tiny hominid (humanlike anthropoid) were discovered on the coast of Africa and are believed to date from about the same period (10,000 - 30,000 years ago).
The hominid was about three feet tall, had an enlarged head, and was very frail and slender when living. The jaw was so weak that it could not have been a predator; it could not have chewed raw meat or cracked bones. It would have been no stronger than a two-year old child.
But this tiny creature was discovered in layers of silt that were deposited upon the Earth during the Upper Pleistocene Period before Neanderthal Man faded into evolutionary history and during a period when Cro-Magnon Man underwent an unexplained change. Did a Zetan get left behind? Was he bopped on the noggin by a right brain motivated Neanderthal who was immune to telepathic suggestion?
Theories abound in UFO mythology that claim humankind has been tampered with by aliens from Zeta Reticuli for about 10,000 years! According to some, humans have been genetically altered 65 times during that period. At least one person has come forward to state publicly that the government has a repository of information showing that the Zetans have "photographic" proof they have visited Earth since about 8000 B.C.
Now, everyone is entitled to their own opinion so here is mine: I suspect the people who conjured up this theory knew that humans underwent an evolutionary change about 10,000 years ago and are using this (as yet) unexplained event to form the basis of their claim.
Anyone with the gumption to do so, may read of these unresolved evolutionary mysteries in a number of books on anthropology, particularly those dealing with the subject of The Aquatic Ape or The Naked Ape.
But, just to provide fodder for the religious zealots, let us agree that the tampering claim is true as presented and that all proof to substantiate the claim has been accepted by all without further argument.
What we are left with, if we accept the claim, is a past without reason and a future without hope. If we have mistaken Zetans for God all these centuries; if we have mistakenly ascribed to the prophets (Buddha, Brahma, Mohammed, Isaiah, Yeshwa) mystical powers that rightfully belong to little grey aliens; if we really began life in a test-tube on Zeta Reticuli Four and Earth is simply a garden for growing their culture smears; if we are living only to satisfy the egomaniacal theories of Zetan scientists, and if, when we die, we go, not to Paradise or Valhalla, but to a trash bin in someone's laboratory on ZR4, then:
The Magna Carta meant nothing. Arthurian codes of conduct meant nothing. The French revolution meant nothing. The second world war meant nothing. Poetry means nothing. Music means nothing. Great literature means nothing. Truth means nothing. Purity means nothing. Religion means nothing. Family means nothing and decendancy is all an illusion.
Government means nothing (well, we knew that). Laws and lawyers mean nothing. Goodness, kindness, honesty and generosity mean nothing. Military powers have none, never did and never will.
What we thought of as real and right does not now and never did exist, and never will. The hours of the day and days of the week, the seasons and turning of the cosmos is a dream in the mind of little grey hominine anthropoids who implanted the idea into our collective consciousness about 10,000 years ago when they created Cro-Magnon Man, the first real, upright-walking hairless ape that was to become 20th Century humankind.
If all this is true, you can easily see why people in positions of power would not want you to know and understand it. Number one, they would no longer have any power over you (not that they really ever did unless you said it was okay). The military would be only a bunch of well-armed hairless apes who nonetheless still belonged one and all, from the lowest E-1 to the highest zero, to the same funny looking little Zetans.
To the Zetans, everyone bears the same rank: Nothing. Zip. Nada.
And if all this is true, then the Uniform Code of Military Justice isn't worth the paper it's written on, just as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence weren't worth the effort and time and killing.
So what do we do? Do we tell everyone the truth and lose our stature and status, our money and property, or do we keep our mouths shut, agree to work with the Zetans for awhile, and keep our money, power and property? It doesn't take a Harvard grad to figure that one out.
There are a number of flaws in this theory, although the flaws do not necessarily disprove it. The number one objection to the theory is that if we are genetically engineered Zetan experiments, the Zetans have badly botched the batch, have they not? Why, when they were tinkering, did they not eliminate fatal and harmful diseases? Why did they not eliminate death? If they are as good as some people think, it should be no problem.
Unless we are literally lab rats on whom the Zetans are testing their latest toxins and anti-toxins, we would be hard pressed to see any benefits of their tampering. Even the grand poobahs of government die from the most lowly and common of diseases. Seems to me that if they had agreed to help and to cover up the crimes of the Zetans, they would be immune and would be granted eternal life or something.
But, no. Their kids get chicken pox. Their wives develop ovarian cysts and breast cancer. They get prostrate cancer or have heart attacks and croak just like the rest of us. Where's the justice in that?
The second flaw in the theory is the question of consciousness. Why would the Zetans force us out of a primarily right brain intuitive, layed-back existence in the Garden of Paradise and into a left brain, high-stress, high tech existence, implant us with knowledge of the world outside the Garden, give us self-awareness, then crush our esteem by springing upon us with the revelation of the great lie?
Okay, Dr. Frankenstein created a monster then had to kill it after it became self-aware because it was running amok and killing people. Left to his own devises, Frank the Younger may have conspired to start a war that would kill 80 million or so. Or he might have scratched around on his drafting table until he came up with, oh, an atomic bomb or something.
Considering the cosmos as a whole, the good doctor was probably wise to nip his terribly flawed experiment in the bud.
But here is the truth of the matter: If our society became as uncontrolled as the rampant Frankenstein monster after learning of the lie, we, like it, would have to be eliminated to preserve law and order, would we not? If not, then society "as we know it" would literally cease to exist.
When it finally sinks in that you are not a child of God but the property of a Zetan chemical engineer that will fairly well cut the cake for you if you are unable to deal with the concept of being little more than livestock, tagged and branded and herded into a corral called Earth, each of us awaiting the day when we will be lifted by our ears and plunked down on a cold steel table to be cut apart and examined or put to death for the advancement of the Zetan space program.
Revelations like that can ruin a Super Bowl Sunday in a hurry.
But what if it isn't that at all? What if we have become storage bins for Zetan kas awaiting rebirth (reincarnation). What if we are reincarnated Zetans?
Or what if the Zetans are us 10,000 years from now? What if they are coming back through time to make the necessary changes to either insure time travel or to prevent it (having discovered that it is a bad idea)?
Or what if neither the Zetans nor humans even exist? What if we are just a nightmare inside the mind of a creature that is greater than either of us? And what if this fitful dreamer wakes up? What happens to us?
Then, of course, there is this theory: The Zetans arrived about 10,000 years ago and genetically altered a creature roaming the plains and savannahs of planet Earth, returning periodically to prod the new creature, to tag it and follow its migrations until, now, after several disastrous wars, famines and oil shortages, they find we have developed weapons that could, if perfected, blow them right back to home base.
A few get through to claim their livestock but, so far the intelligence agencies and the USAF have kept them fairly well restricted to the upper atmosphere, using, of all things, the very technology the Zetans left here for our enlightenment forty years ago!
Man, I'll bet that really makes them gnash their mandibles! I can almost hear the scalpels bouncing off the walls now!


Risking reproach from a number of UFOlogists, I prefer to begin any analysis of the phenomena with the premise that it is being orchestrated by governments rather than off-world beings in fantastic lightships.
That is not to say that we are not being visited now or will not be visited in the future. I simply have seen no concrete evidence of it and, until I do, I will continue to believe first that the military and particularly the intelligence agencies are behind much of the UFO phenomena. They have the money and the motives to both create the hoax and to keep it going for years.
Despite revealing videos such as that produced by Mr. Lazar, we still don't have any proof that the USAF or CIA has sequestered alien disks at S4 or anywhere else. Much to Mr. Lazar's credit, he acknowledges the fact that he has no solid proof to substantiate his claims that he worked on alien disks for the government.
As badly as I want to believe the drawings in the video represented alien craft, I fear I cannot simply because I found nothing during the presentation to explain how the saucers operate while in Earth's atmosphere or why they appear as extremely bright balls of light when floating over our cities or preparing to land in our meadows.
According to Mr. Lazar, the saucer should appear as something similar to a comet standing on its tail until it becomes fully energized, at which time it should become invisible as it jumps into another dimension or star cluster such as Zeta Reticuli or Proxima Centauri or even to the dark side of the moon. All that is wonderful narrative but it doesn't tell us what glowing balls of light are flying the skies of this planet.
Until someone can answer those questions, I'll continue to examine the UFO phenomena primarily as secret US reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft. Until someone kills a real alien and lays its cadaver on my doorstep, I will continue to believe "Grey Aliens" are USAF or CIA personnel dressed up in funny costumes. I will continue to believe that our comrades are being abducted and murdered by government agencies. I will continue to believe that telepathic contact experiments are being conducted by the same government agencies.
If "grey aliens" are not humans in costumes, they are at least darklings built by human DNA tinkerers in some of those secret underground laboratories.
I have a great deal of trouble accepting the story that aliens have been conducting genetic experiments on humankind for 10,000 years. That would suggest that we are really little more than their livestock, that they actually "own" us, just as we believe we "own" beasts of the field and fish of the seas and birds of the air.
It also suggests they have an extremely long attention span unless they are moving through time and aren't really "going anywhere"!
We tag sea turtles in the North Atlantic and track them by satellite to see which way they go. We tag birds and fish and elephants to follow their migrations. Are we supposed to believe creatures from Zeta Reticuli are doing the same to us?
Friends! Why would beings who can travel sixty-six zillion light years through space and time in any direction at any time want to concern themselves with something as stupid and boring as tagging and following the migration and sexual behavior of humans (who would be the equivalent of primeval slugs to them)? What is the point?
To capture, examine, impregnate and tag human females to carry their cross-bred children? If they are as wonderful and advanced as some say, they should be able to grow their children in canning jars on their own planet!
To cultivate us as food? If they are twenty billion years more advanced than we, why haven't they figured out how to grow synthetic protein in culture dishes in their own labs on their own planet in their own star cluster?
If we are nothing more than experiments of an advanced race of beings, no more than bacteria on a cosmic glass slide, that means there is no God, no law, no rules, no leaders, no followers. It means anyone should be able to load a gun and kill anyone or anything and no one should have to worry about it or suffer for it.
There should be no trials or punishment for "crimes" because the concept of crime and punishment would be null and void if we belong to funny-looking grey creatures from Zeta Reticuli.
If we have no more rights than a common housefly, then we'll have to do away with ownership of property as well.
If we believe that, we'll have to do away with governments and public minions, dismantle the military and let anarchy reign supreme, laying about in slovenly disgrace until one of the owners comes round to lop off an arm or leg for dinner or grind us into sausage and stir us up in a big vat somewhere in Nevada, USA.
But wait! Why would creatures who can jump from Earth to Zeta Reticuli in a heartbeat keep their food supply in Nevada? Why don't they take it with them?
If you were able to jump from one town to another or one state to another by thinking it, and you wanted to paint a house in, say, Texas; would you keep the paint bucket in New York and jump back and forth every time you had to load the brush just because you could jump back and forth?
If you could jump to the grocery store, would you jump forty times to buy forty items or would you get everything in one jump so you wouldn't have to bother?
People! That's why we have refrigerators and pantries! So we don't have to get in the car (flying saucer) and drive to the store (Nevada) every day!
I can't believe we're more intelligent than our grey owners! They must be humiliated.
But if all this nonsense is being orchestrated by an agency of Earthlings who want you to believe in UFOs and funny-looking grey aliens, then it all makes sense, doesn't it?
They don't take hostages to Zeta Reticuli because they can't get there. Yet! Their medical instruments and surgical techniques are identical to ours because they are ours!
Humans are being abducted for medical experiments. Humans are being contacted telepathically to sort out the espers. Human females are carrying the seeds of a future race of cosmonauts. They may be producing embryos which are sent into space aboard the shuttle to see if they live or die in a weightless environment, the evidence of which will be applied to the technology of future manned excursions to the planets of this solar system and beyond.
Lab rats simply won't provide the needed information, you see.



The mineral wealth from a single asteroid, hundreds of thousands of which are floating through near and far space at any given second, could completely eliminate the U.S. national debt.
The lunar soil, which is 40% oxygen, will one day be processed into water, oxygen and hydrogen fuel for use on Earth, in the lunar colonies, and in Martian colonies and beyond.
Mining the moon, which is a potential bonanza, will be relatively easy once all the habitats and colonists are established. Even Martian colonies, duplicating those of the moon, will become self-supporting worlds, processing minerals and transporting them to Earth and, perhaps, to other colonized planets of this solar system.
Asteroids, some of which could measure five miles across, will be somewhat more of a problem. Because it would be impractical to overtake and mine a wandering asteroid (which may be traveling away from Earth), scientists and engineers have plans to capture these errant wanderers and attach huge "mass driver" engines to them.
After a journey of several months and millions of miles to several years and billions of miles, the asteroids would be inserted into near-Earth orbit. Teams of miners would then be shuttled to the asteroids (which would actually become tiny moons of this planet) in a matter of minutes or hours to work their six-month shifts.
It just so happens that the "mass drivers" will be anti-matter engines very much like those described by Robert Lazar in his remarkable video. Anti matter engines are the only known source of energy capable of moving the mass of asteroids and planetoids for prolonged periods of time (months or years and billions of miles).
According to the theory, 223 grams of element 115 should burn at peak efficiency for 20 to 30 years. That is an efficient engine! And just what the space industry needs to get colonists to the far fields of space or the asteroids to the near fields of Earth.
Unless someone has cornered the market on mass driver 115 engines, I believe I would, had I the technology, turn my efforts to forming a company to build them for the government or even for private enterprise; someone like Dupont, let's say, who will be queueing for position to stake claims to those asteroids.
I don't know what a 115 engine would sell for but it would be a lot more than a 60-minute video tape, that's for sure! Maybe Bob would like to form a company and sell stock among UFO enthusiasts to get it rolling.
Before you begin laughing, let's give it some serious thought. According to a fairly recent Gallup poll, about half the adults in America say they believe UFOs are real. If you could get one dollar from each of them, you would have about $50,000,000.00.
Now, that won't go very far these days when one is thinking of forming a company, but it might be impressive enough to persuade a bank to loan us more so we could begin manufacturing the engines that will take humankind to the stars.
Of course, there is always the old axiom that a bird in the hand (video tape) is worth two in the bush (115 engine). At least for the short run. The 115 engine is obviously being developed anyway at Groom Lake Area S4 in a vehicle that may or may not be shaped like an ovate ellipsoid, perhaps built and funded with your tax dollars, or, perhaps, back-engineered with your tax dollars.
Since we're paying for it anyhow, why not have control of it by owning the company that builds it?
Unless everything we see and hear from the government or from former government employees is just more smokescreen to divert attention from serious UFO research; unless the whole concept of the 115 Anti-Matter engine is a lie, there would be no reason why a private company could not and should not develop and build it.
Because most of us are uninterested in Chemistry or Physics we don't have current Periodic Tables. Mine is the table published in 1961 and lists only 103 elements, a few of which do not occur naturally and are listed parenthetically. Element 115 does not appear. A trip to the library or a call to UCSD will, of course, provide the information not only on the current table but projected uses for new elements as well.


On October 3, 1967, the North American X-15A-2, piloted by USAF Major William J. "Pete" Knight, was released from its NB-52 mother plane at 35,000 feet above the Mojave Desert to begin its dash for an absolute speed record of 4,520 miles per hour, a record which stood unbroken until exceeded by the Space Shuttle.
Because of the lack of oxygen at the altitudes at which the X-15 flew, the XLR99 rocket engine used anhydrous ammonia as fuel and liquid oxygen as the oxidizer. Fitted with external fuel tanks to prolong engine burn up to 70%, the A-2 climbed to 102,000 feet and reached a speed of Mach 6.7.
A-2 differed from previous Marks in that it had an ablative coating to protect it from the high temperatures encountered at the high Mach velocities. It also had a dummy scram-jet engine fitted to the stub ventral fin to test the feasibility of the engines for sustained high-Mach flight.
The X-15 expanded the envelope of manned, winged flight to the very limits of the atmosphere and opened aviation to horizons only dreamed of previously. In all its variants, X-15 will be remembered as one of the most successful X-planes.
As a direct result of test data obtained by early X-plane flights, and advances in stealth technology, super fighters have been developed that will carry America and her Allies well into the 21st Century. Using exotic fuels and oxidizers, these aircraft will operate at extreme altitudes and be capable of speeds approaching Mach 30, or 17,500 miles per hour, which speed will allow these aircraft to be placed into orbit after unassisted lift-off from their desert bases.
As aircraft technology advances, airplanes are beginning to look more and more like ovate ellipsoids, or 'Flying Saucers." The newest stealth fighters will most certainly be capable of vertical takeoff and landing and may, until the orbital goal is met, operate at speeds approaching Mach 8 or even Mach 10 with ease.
Because of the constraints inherent in protecting the pilot from death during severe maneuvers, many of these aircraft will be capable of only straight and level flight or shallow dives and climbs when operating at their Mach limits. As new data is evaluated, this problem may be solved by designing the aircraft to stop in mid-air, hover, or change directions quickly (but not instantly), or they may be flown remotely from simulators on the ground thousands of miles away.
But while we occasionally see glimpses of these new aircraft or hear rumors of their development, even more remarkable aircraft and devices are being tested in complete secrecy in underground facilities in the American Southwest deserts. If the rumors are correct (and there is no reason at this time to doubt them), galactic travel and even time-travel may be only weeks away!

AURORA AGAIN: USA to Russia in about an hour?

AURORA AGAIN: USA to Russia in about an hour?

Code name, Aurora, once thought to belong to the B-2 Bomber or to the F-117A Nighthawk programs, is now known to refer to a super-secret hypersonic long-range stealth aircraft designed and built for the USAF and CIA at Lockheed's ADP facility in Burbank, California. A number of sources have reported Aurora flying from Nellis AFB's Watertown Strip (Area 51) at Groom Dry Lake, Nevada.
Officially, Aurora's top speed has been set at 3,800 miles per hour with a cruise range of 5,750 miles and an operational ceiling of 150,000 feet (28.4 miles). Some independent information places Aurora's top speed closer to 5,000 miles per hour and the operational ceiling at about 40 miles.
With these impressive figures, it is obvious the Aurora was designed to replace the now decommissioned SR-71 strategic reconnaissance aircraft.
According to reports from various aviation authorities, since 1980, Lockheed and the USAF have been testing a Mach 6 hypersonic research, air-breathing, manned aircraft from the secret test range at Area 51 and that Aurora was derived from that research.
The USAF began reducing the numbers of the aging SR-71s during the mid-1980s so watchers of stealth aircraft knew something was up. Air Force Secretary Edward Aldridge, while explaining the SR-71 retirements, noted that the USAF was interested in developing a manned reconnaissance aircraft incorporating the latest stealth technology.
Aurora's engines run on liquid methane. After taking off from Watertown Strip and refueling once in flight, Aurora can cross the Pacific Ocean in about two hours!
Allocated $2.3 billion in 1985, there are now at least 25 operational hypersonic spy planes flying from Tonopah Base Area 30 in Nevada.
Two or three personnel, seated in tandem cockpits, operate the Aurora. Its external shape is double delta design with a conformal fuselage/wing blending. Aurora's radar signature is low, probably near that of the F117, which is from 0.1 to .203 square meter.
According to one retired DOD official, "With the SR-71 Blackbird, they knew we were there but they couldn't touch us. With Aurora, they won't even know we're there!"
Lockheed has been studying hypersonic aircraft, Mach 4 to Mach 7, with operational ceiling of up to 250,000 feet (47.3 miles) for years, so it should come as no surprise that squadrons of Auroras are now flying.
Designed and built by the Phalanx Organization, Inc., based in Long Beach, California, the Dragon is a VTOL two-engine aircraft with a 650 knot maximum speed, 30 to 40 knots reverse speed, 2,600 nautical mile range with a payload of about 1,800 pounds and a maximum takeoff weight of 10,000 pounds. The MP-21 Dragon will be manned by up to three personnel and powered by two 4,500/5,000 pound Garrett 731-3 turbine engines. Thrust nozzles similar to those on Harrier jumpjets will be utilized; four for each engine for a total of eight thruster nozzles. Single engine horizontal flight will be possible since each engine nozzle extends to both sides of the aircraft, however, the plane would not be able to hover or reverse if one engine was disabled by enemy fire.
Low fuel consumption, projected to be .485 pounds per pound per hour, is maintained by varying the size of the nozzles' outlets to keep the proper 1,100 to 1,200 foot-per-second exhaust velocity for maximum efficiency.



Thought to have been built by Northrup and test-flown from Groom Lake since 1983, the THAP (Tactical High-Altitude Penetrator) is probably related to the company's B-2 Proof-Of-Concept vehicles, and also to the TSA (Tactical Stealth Aircraft) Program.
The concept results from a study for a tactical high-altitude penetrator design which is a UAV that can carry a weapons load in an internal bay. Thrust is provided by two high-technology turbofan engines mounted on top of the airframe with some RAM components inherent in the design. Airframe shape is the span-loaded flying wing type resting on tricycle landing gear. Pitch, yaw and roll are controlled by two canted vertical fins, called rudderatrons, coupled to fly-by-wire computer systems. Materials comprising the airframe include RAM plastics surrounding a foam core.
Tests for control probably include remote piloting via VCASS, with the human pilot situated in a simulator at Nellis AFB or Groom Lake and linked to the THAP via one or more of the NAVSATS or by a system similar to Joint STARS.
The terrain outside the vehicle would be relayed via video cameras and other electronic sensors such as those found on many modern strike aircraft to the VCASS helmet worn by the pilot or displayed in at least two dimensions on the interior surface of the simulator shell. The pilot would literally fly the THAP from the comfort and security of his chair on the ground.
Because the satellite link extends over the entire surface of the planet, it seems likely the pilot could fly the craft anywhere he wished until the fuel was depleted. Additionally, because aircraft can always sustain more G's than can humans, we must assume the THAP could perform extreme maneuvers (tight turns, sudden stops and acceleration, etc.) if it was designed to do so. In other words, the remotely piloted THAP could duplicate the maneuvers commonly assigned only to "Flying Saucers."
The THAP is exactly the shape reported during a number of UFO sightings, so we might assume the witnesses are seeing the vehicles during one or more of its many sorties. Designed to penetrate enemy airspace from high altitudes, THAP may have long-range capabilities, perhaps as far as 2,500 to 3,000 miles and subsonic to supersonic speeds.
THAP and other unidentified aircraft, may be unmanned surveillance vehicles remotely guided by "pilots" sitting in a flight simulator thousands of miles away linked via satellites through VCASS or holographic projections on the interior surface of the simulator shell, giving them a 360§ virtual reality view of the terrain over which THAP is flying at any given moment. By extending the concept, we could imagine any type of aircraft, known or unknown, might be controlled in this manner. Without the need to protect a pilot from severe G-forces, the aircraft could be built to perform extreme maneuvers such as those reported during UFO sightings.

SIGHTING! You have video tapes but did you really see it?

SIGHTING! You have video tapes but did you really see it?

A crowd of people wait in the chill darkness of the desert night near Groom Lake, Nevada for a brief glimpse of a UFO. Bundled into blankets and thermal coats, they make small talk, drink gallons of coffee and cast hopeful glances at the sky. At 2 a.m. their vigil is rewarded when lights, arranged in a vee pattern, rise vertically from beyond the mountains, hover for a brief moment, turn and fly directly over their heads. Cameras click and whirr frantically. The craft is out of sight in a matter of seconds.
But four hours later, just before sunrise, the UFO is back, descending from several thousand feet to a vertical landing on the lake bed. Ten or twelve hours of surveillance has resulted in less than 10 seconds of video tape of the suspected UFO. The intrepid sky-watchers creep into their campers and cars for a few hours sleep before returning to their homes and jobs hundreds of miles away.
Planned sky watches and serendipitous UFO sightings occur on a daily or nightly basis somewhere in the United States of America and worldwide. Those who witness UFO flights are certain they have seen something and their video tapes appear to confirm it.
But why are government agencies so eager to proclaim the sightings as hoaxes or mis-identified aircraft? How do they know a hoax is a hoax unless they have perpetrated it? It is odd, is it not, that within seconds of viewing a video tape, some government spokesperson can confidently identify your UFO as twelve ultra light airplanes flying in formation, or four hot air balloons flying in formation; all this from watching a two dimension image on a TV monitor; all this without having waited with you in the cold and darkness.
There can be no doubt that you and your companions saw something rise into the sky and fly silently away (silent, at least, to human hearing). Your video tapes prove it. It seems unlikely that the video camera could capture a telepathic hallucination. It seems equally unlikely that your senses and the video camera could clearly see and record a holographic projection of lights rising and sailing away into the darkness.
But isn't it interesting that the apparent shape of the Groom Lake aircraft is precisely that of unidentified flying objects reported in various parts of America and later claimed to be hoaxes perpetrated by members of flying clubs? Who arranges and pays for these elaborate hoaxes? Who authorizes ten or twelve private planes to fly in tight formation at low altitudes, some of them without navigation lights, at night above populated areas? Why have not these pilots been prosecuted for violating FAA flight regulations (minimum altitude, aerobatics over a city and failure to display navigation lights)? Who is protecting them? What are they really hiding? Why?
When you see and photograph UFOs over your city and report them, you are telling the truth. Later sightings in the same area, staged by secret agencies, are proclaimed as hoaxes to discredit your sightings. There can be only one viable explanation for these expensive ruses: to prevent you from examining too closely the images on your video tape that might reveal the existence of either 1) government super spy planes or 2) actual alien craft.
UFO sightings are increasing alarmingly worldwide, but particularly in the United States of America. Ample evidence and testimony indicates that several saucer-shaped craft, whether alien or domestic, are being hangared and tested at Groom Mine and site S4 near Papoose Lake in southern Nevada. If they are alien craft, engineers and scientists have obviously not fully determined how they function although disassembly and study is reported to be a prime subject at S4.
Physicist Robert Lazar has given rather specific details of the propulsion system used aboard at least one of the S4 saucers. According to him, element 115 is converted to anti-matter by bombardment in a small engine on the second deck of the saucer. The resulting conversion of matter into 100% energy creates a thermo-electric burst which is used as intermittent thrust by steerable nozzles on the underside of the craft. When fully energized, the craft is reported to become completely invisible and is able to travel cosmic distances in seconds or minutes by bending space, which, according to the theory, places point A directly upon point B so there is no real linear distance or motion between the two.
In other words, when fully energized, the saucer simply jumps sideways into the target solar system! In the case of the alien "Greys", who have been reported running amok and terrorizing Earthlings for about 10,000 years, the target, when they have completed each round of experiments, is somewhere around Zeta Reticuli (or so the government would have us believe).

ABDUCTED! Physical abduction and telepathic contact. Are intelligence agencies responsible?

ABDUCTED! Physical abduction and telepathic contact. Are intelligence agencies responsible?
Thousands of ordinary people claim to have had contact with aliens from other worlds. Response to these claims varies from skeptics who make every effort to ridicule the phenomena to true believers who accept it at face value and believe the authorities know more than they are willing to admit.
There are notable similarities between reports of abductions and accounts of nightmares. The order in which events are remembered, the manner in which they occur without apparent cause or context, are typically like the dream state. These dramatic events seem to have little if any effect upon the physical world beyond the person who has experienced them.
People who claim to have been abducted are worried by loss of time, vague memories, feelings of being trapped or restrained on a table, and unusual and unknown sounds from the darkness. They become irritable, often unable to concentrate, suffer loss of short-term memory and forget the simplest things such as numbers, names and dates.
Some begin to have recurring dreams from the years of their adolescence. Others claim to hear voices and odd sounds, apparently real and nearby, issuing from beings or objects not visible to the five senses.
Most disturbing of all, actual marks and scars have been found on the skin of some who believe they have been physically examined by aliens. A number of people have awakened to find painful bruises on the fleshy portion of their noses. These bruises, while tender and annoying, may leave no marks and vanish in a day or two.
Sometimes a red spot with a small dark puncture wound will appear in the center of the bruise, suggesting the bruise may have been caused by a hypodermic needle or similar instrument during an examination of which the person is consciously unaware.
Many of these people feel separated from the rest of society by the very strangeness of the experience and by negative emotions of which they are reluctant to speak: anxiety about the next abduction or examination; worry about the medical problems that might occur as a result of having been examined in an alien environment, and real fear for the future for themselves, their families and humankind at large.
Despite the great distances between groups who believe they have been abducted or who believe abductions are occurring, the barriers separating them from the rest of us have made the abduction phenomena an international social movement.
Topics of discussion or interest include: how to avoid future abductions; how to discuss the subject with children, especially if they, too, are having abduction experiences, and how to cope with the problems they have in acknowledging their abductee status to family and friends without being characterized as odd or actually insane.
The suggestion that accounts of abductions are hoaxes concocted for fame and profit can be generally dismissed since few abductees seek publicity or invite the media to share their anguished memories, knowing they are more likely to meet with ridicule than offers of money and fame.
Additionally, the claim that most, if not all, the abductees are of doubtful sanity can also be generally dismissed since the preponderance of psychiatric evidence to date does not support such views.
To begin an investigation of any event, particularly an unusual nonrepeatable event such as the sighting of UFOs, we must remember that, lacking photographic evidence, we will be dealing with only the memory of the event as perceived through conventional senses.
Abductions, particularly if perceived only in some unconscious portion of the mind, are even more difficult to investigate since the abductee cannot provide any evidence or details to support the claim.
Claims of abduction fall into three categories: 1) Hoaxes. The abduction did not occur; 2) True abduction. Person was actually abducted but may or may not be aware of the event; 3) Imagined abduction. Person was NOT abducted but may believe an abduction actually occurred.
Hoaxes, unfortunately, consume many hours or weeks of the investigator's valuable time while producing only negligible results, thus hindering serious UFO research. One can only wonder if these hoaxes are not being perpetrated by those who wish to discredit the pro-UFO groups.
True abductions are generally revealed by hypnosis or psychiatric examination, although a number of victims are able to remember at least portions of the abduction on a conscious level. These memories may include incisions, cell sampling, gynecological or fetal interference, interbreeding and other traumatic events. Often these people may recall events of abduction beginning as far back as early childhood. Recurring dreams during adolescence and into early adulthood, particularly if of "monsters" and suffocating, or of being restrained or stabbed, or of walking or floating aimlessly through large, old, empty houses, while not proof, may provide clues to abductions.
Imagined abductions, where the victim believes he or she has been abducted but has no physical scars or specific details and cannot produce evidence that they were absent from their home or city for a length of time, are puzzling but, if sincerely claimed, should be treated with respect and given the same treatment as a real abduction.
These types of "abductions" might actually be telepathic contact, precognitive episodes or out-of-body experiences induced or initiated by 1) aliens, or 2) foreign or domestic intelligence agencies. In other words, ideas, scenes and sounds may have been implanted in the victim's mind during telepathic contact so they afterwards believe they were abducted, taken aboard an alien spaceship and examined or interbred.
While both abduction and telepathic contact may leave the victims with exactly the same memories and lingering fears, the events differ substantially in that the abductee's experience was on primarily a physical level and the telepathic contact was on a purely mental level.
One clue to physical abduction and medical examination may be gleaned from experiments conducted prior to and after the Challenger disaster. It was discovered that certain fertilized chicken eggs did not develop in space and that others produced healthy chicks with slight vertigo problems that left them unable to balance during roost.
Could it be that the aliens, having spent a great deal of time in space, are no longer able to produce fertilized eggs or that space born alien children are being born with serious handicaps? Could it be that they now require eggs fertilized in Earth's gravity by Earth women in order to produce children capable of surviving in space?
And could the telepathic contact episodes be experiments to discover which of us is most sensitive to communion of the minds? Could it be a selection process by intelligence agencies to find future telepathic cosmonauts among your children and grandchildren who may carry the same inherent abilities?
While there is no proof for the theory, it is possible that abductions and telepathic contacts may be executed by aliens and intelligence agencies either jointly or separately for widely different reasons. The aliens may be searching for new genes (suggesting a long period of interplanetary travel and fear of inbreeding) and the intelligence agencies may be searching for individuals (present and future) who will carry the human seed to the far fields of space. Because the distances traveled may be great and the time spent on the journey long, they may also need spare parts and spare genes or sperm and eggs ready to incubate at the appropriate time.
If fertilization in space is risky or even impossible, second generations of pilot and crew will have to be prepared before the ship leaves Earth; that is, seeds stored in containers for future incubation. If human eggs can only be fertilized in space on, say, a 50/50 basis (50% abortion rate), future female cosmonauts would be kept busy on the nest and have little time for anything else if they were expected to produce the succeeding crew!
While no criteria has been established for the study of telepathic contact, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that something or someone is conducting such experiments upon human subjects. These contacts are even more bizarre and difficult to prove than sightings, physical contact or abductions for the reasons stated earlier: there simply is no physical evidence.
Yet the problem, which occurs totally within the human mind, is real and is apparently growing or evolving into the next phase of the UFO phenomena. This insidious invasion of the subconscious mind may herald the beginning of mass landings of alien craft, the final step in the conquest of planet Earth.
If telepathic contact is being conducted by some intelligence agency rather than by aliens, it seems to pose an even more frightening threat because we are left with the mystery of discovering their intentions for doing so.
People who have experienced this telepathic contact generally do not attribute the phenomena to aliens from other worlds; they almost universally claim they are being scanned by some agency within our own government! It seems likely they understand this intuitively, on a subconscious level.
The voices these people hear are real. They seem to emanate from the air either behind or to the side of the contactee. The words are clear and precise, usually short statements or questions. The person may run from the room in fear, display fits of trembling while staring at the space from which the voices or sounds emanated. They may wave their arms at the sounds, begging the entities to go away. They may scream or they may even begin answering the questions or responding to statements they are certain they've heard! They may begin to blame awkward accidents (dropping things or spilling things) on some unseen adversary.
Most notable is a periodic loss of short term memory (hours or a day) during which periods they are unable to recall telephone numbers, dates, addresses or even names of their closest friends.
This suggests that the telepathic contact continues on a kind of "holding pattern", passively rather than actively engaging the victim. On the other hand, the contactee may be so distracted by the frightening events that they are unable to resume normal thinking functions of the brain until several hours have passed even though the contact may have been discontinued.
If this relatively new and undisclosed type of contact is part of the modern "UFO phenomena", it may be very far removed from the mystery with which we began some 50 years ago!

MJ-12 DOCUMENTS What the fuss is all about. Are they forgeries?

MJ-12 DOCUMENTS What the fuss is all about. Are they forgeries?
On December 11, 1984, TV Producer Jaime Shandera found two documents stamped TOP SECRET in his mailbox. One was dated September 24, 1947, the other November 18, 1952. The first was signed by President Harry Truman. The second was addressed to President Dwight Eisenhower from Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, a former director of CIA.
The document signed by Truman claimed to be a classified executive order to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, authorizing him to establish a board of experts, answerable only to the President, and to be known as Majestic-12 (MJ-12). Their job was to investigate the crash of a Flying Saucer near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947.
The documents appeared to be proof that the Roswell saucer, long the subject of rumor and speculation, had really happened. The second document supported the first and was a top secret briefing for the newly elected President on the members of MJ-12 and their progress in the investigation.
Shandera waited for over two years to make the documents public on May 29, 1987. His associates in the revelation were William Moore, coauthor of The Roswell Incident, and crashed saucer expert Stanton Friedman. Moore's and Friedman's theories stood to be vindicated if the documents were real!
The three claimed to have found further documentary backing for the existence of MJ-12 in the person of a "highly placed military intelligence operative" who could authenticate the story. The source was discredited when he turned out to be a USAF sergeant once found guilty of falsifying documents.
The documents, subjected to intense scrutiny, were soon shown to have been falsified as well when it was revealed that the 1947 document was actually written on a Smith Corona typewriter not manufactured until 1963. Hillenkoetter's memo was dated in an odd mixture of civilian and military styles and he had signed himself Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, which form was never used before or since on any of the volumes of surviving correspondence. A close inspection of Truman's signature revealed that it was a photocopy of a signature on a letter from Truman to nuclear scientist, Dr. Vannevar Bush, written on October 1, 1947. Since Hillenkoetter's memo refers specifically to Truman's "Classified Executive Order" of 1947, it follows that both are fakes.
The MJ-12 documents may be a case of someone conspiring to create a conspiracy. The clumsiness of the hoax suggests that it may have been intended to be exposed, thereby implicating the CIA or other intelligence agencies (who would have easy access to the signatures) in an attempt to discredit the pro-UFO groups and, in particular, Stanton Friedman, who has researched and documented the Roswell crash for many years.
But the evidence, if not planted by intelligence agencies, appears to indicate that one of the pro-UFO groups invented the evidence that they were convinced really existed somewhere. When all the evidence points to only one conclusion, you can bet the evidence has been planted. Anyone who produces such evidence, particularly if it irrefutably supports their theory will, with good reason, be first to fall under suspicion. That does not mean, however, that they perpetrated the hoax!

TOUTATIS: Errant wanderer that "misses" Earth every four years. Getting closer?

TOUTATIS: Errant wanderer that "misses" Earth every four years. Getting closer?
JPL, Pasadena, CA _
NASA obtained radar pictures of an asteroid that flew close to Earth in early December, 1992, giving them the best view yet of the kind of object that may have collided with the planet 65 million years ago and brought the Cretaceous Period to an end with the extinction of most dinosaur species. This same asteroid, or others similar to it, may threaten humanity someday.
Astronomer Steven Ostro, a senior researcher at JPL, said it was the first clear look at one of the many thousands of asteroids that could interfere with Earth's orbit.
NASA bounced radar waves off the surface of Toutatis using a 230-foot antenna dish at a tracking station in the Mojave Desert. The returning signals were captured by a 112-foot antenna to record the photographs on December 8, 9, 10 and 13th.
Unlike most asteroids that orbit in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, Toutatis and thousands of other errant wanderers could enter Earth's atmosphere and strike the planet with devastating effects greater than the power of thousands of nuclear warheads.
The images show Toutatis is composed of two jagged rocks, one about 2.5 miles wide; the other about 1.5 miles wide, apparently held together by gravitational forces.
Scientists believe a six to nine-mile wide asteroid struck Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago, throwing dust and rocks high into the atmosphere, chilling the climate and destroying food plants, dinosaurs and most other highly evolved species.
Scores of other impact areas have been discovered on Earth, including one from an asteroid that exploded over Siberia in 1908 obliterating a vast tract of forest.
An asteroid two and one-half miles wide would wipe out millions of people, plants and animals whether it strikes a land mass or falls into the ocean.
The tidal wave from a strike at sea in the Pacific Ocean, for instance, would probably sweep away every city on its shores, killing billions of people, and destroying livestock and crops hundreds of miles inland from the coast.