Wednesday, April 9, 2008

MOONBASE ALPHA: U.S. Army proposed building a base on the lunar surface in 1958!

MOONBASE ALPHA: U.S. Army proposed building a base on the lunar surface in 1958!
In January 1958, Lt. General Arthur G. Trudeau, upon relinquishing command of troops stationed in South Korea to become chief of army research and development, promised to inject a "vigorous attitude" into U. S. Army missile and weapons programs.
In a secret message dispatched to Major General John Bruce Medaris, head of the army's ballistic missile program, Trudeau declared a "proposal to establish a lunar outpost to be of critical importance to the U. S. Army in the future."
Medaris and von Braun promptly organized a task force to address the project which was to utilize Redstone's new Saturn boosters to place men and material onto the lunar surface. One of the men they employed was H. H. Koelle, head of von Braun's launch vehicle analysis group. Koelle, although enraptured by rocket science at an early age had not found his way to either the Raketenflugplatz or to Peenemunde. At the outbreak of the war he had joined the Luftwaffe, became a pilot, and was shot down and captured by the Americans. After the war he founded the German Space Society in 1948 and began a seven-year exchange of letters with von Braun which culminated in an offer of employment at Redstone Arsenal, which Koelle accepted in 1955.
Koelle and his task force set out to propose a daring mission, beginning with a statement of purpose. Foremost of the benefits to be reaped from a lunar base would be a unique reconnaissance and surveillance platform. Additionally, the lunar base was expected to improve communications on Earth and deep space by establishing a high-powered relay station. They also offered the civilian scientific community an opportunity to establish an independent research laboratory there. Finally, the lunar base would have provided a low-gravity launch platform for excursions into deep space.
The Redstone team saw this as much more than imaginative speculation and theatrical adventures. "Project Horizon" gave the Saturn boosters a mission. Their report, completed and rushed to Trudeau on June 9th, 1959, promised landing of cargo on the lunar surface would begin in January, 1965 with the first cadre of personnel to follow three months later!
Thereafter, the moonlift project would move into high gear, and by November 1966, twenty-two months after the initial landings on the moon, nearly 150 Saturn boosters would have delivered over two hundred tonnes of useful cargo. An additional 100 tonnes would be delivered the following year, including cylindrical tanks twenty feet long and ten feet in diameter to be used in building a permanent lunar station capable of supporting twelve scientists or technicians.
Unfortunately, the fates threw a wrench into the game in the person of Dr. Herbert F. York. As director of defense research and engineering, he was in a position to dictate scientific and technical matters to the secretary of defense and he wasted neither time nor words on Army Secretary William Brucker and General Medaris. Expressing his belief that "nothing yet suggested by the military, even after trying hard for several years, indicates any genuine need for a man in space," York effectively formed the strategy that would keep America's Army deeply rooted on terra firma.
Aware that Defense Secretary McElroy wanted to be rid of the expensive Saturn and knowing no constraints had been placed on NASA for superboosters, Dr. York offered them not only the Saturn booster, but the transfer of ABMA's entire rocket organization of several thousand people!
And that's how NASA got into the big booster business and that's how America put men on the moon before the advent of the Shuttle program.
Whether or not the army placed men and materials on the moon subsequent to the first lunar excursions is a topic of heated debate. Something is up there! Russian and Japanese astronomers filmed an enormous vehicle (perhaps one kilometer in diameter) orbiting the moon, casting a good solid shadow on the surface as it passed north to south at the estimated speed of 200 kilometers (124 miles) per second!
That figures out to be 450,000 miles per hour. If the craft moved on impulse power alone it could travel from the moon to Earth, a distance of 240,000 miles, in about 25 minutes, roughly the same amount of time it would take to eat a decent meal.
The Russian scientist, clearly awed by the sighting, said, "Can you imagine it? A space station that large, traveling so fast?"
A TV photographer filming a documentary on a farm near Bellevue, Wisconsin also inadvertently captured the image of a large vehicle entering Earth's atmosphere in broad daylight. Using the Cirrus clouds at 25,000 feet and the height of the windmill as reference points, the craft was calculated to be 500 feet in length, above 50,000 feet (10 miles) and moving at 14,000 miles per hour! The object was clearly a real nuts and bolts-three dimensional craft.
If the Army or Air Force is not driving this immense vehicle out of and into Earth's atmosphere and to the lunar surface, Dr. York would have good reason to regret his decision to reject an army base there when we had the boosters and motivation to do so thirty years ago!
If earthlings are not the owners of that vehicle, then we had better spend some time and money to discover why it is in lunar orbit and why it comes to Earth from time to time (to capture humans or to rotate the Army's lunar crews?) A vehicle one kilometer in diameter (slightly greater than one-half mile) obviously required some time, money and effort to build and most certainly requires a lifting technology of which we laypeople are unaware.
But if we possessed the ability to lift men and materials to the lunar surface in the early 1960's, when the world's collective attention was upon the Vietnam conflict and civil unrest in America, we most certainly have better technology now. The VTOL Freighters have been on the drawing boards for years, particularly those for the military. Using the proven "Shuttle" hull and tilt turbine engines and scram jets, it could lift enormous weight from desert bases and place it into Earth orbit. Three days later (or less) the freighter could be landing on the moon.
Crews could be rotated every three to six months. Neither the journey nor the assignment would be outside the bounds of current technology or physical and psychological constraints.
But the question is: Why? What are the lunar crews doing up there? If they are mining the lunar surface, what are they doing with the extracted materials? Is the kilometer-size vehicle loaded with lunar soil, gold, silver, hydrogen, oxygen? Does the engine run on the very soil it digs from the lunar surface? Are there processing plants on Earth to convert the ore and materials into something worth the time and effort? Where are they? Who owns them?
The ten seconds of film from the Japanese astronomers is the most compelling evidence that a huge vehicle is in orbit around the moon. If it is an Earth vehicle owned and operated by earthlings for the benefits of humans, fine. If it is a vehicle from another galaxy or solar system, should we not find out what they are doing here? If someone here is in cahoots with them, it's time to find out why, and discover why we who pay their wages have been excluded from the decision process.
The Gulf War, which revealed some of the marvels envisioned during the Vietnam conflict, proved, if anything, that America can win any war, anytime, against any foe, and do it in a minimum amount of time with a minimum loss of American troops. EWACS and AWACS and Joint STARS can pinpoint anything that moves on land or in the air for several hundred miles in any direction. Strike aircraft and ground to air missiles can find and destroy anything man-made that moves within the view of military detection equipment. Ground forces can be instantly alerted to the movements of enemy troops and can destroy them with an arsenal of sophisticated weapons without ever acquiring them visually.
But do military air forces and ground forces engage UFOs hovering or cavorting for hours over American cities? They do not!
There are only a few reasons why the military does not attempt to intercept and destroy vehicles that have entered our air space: 1) They have concluded that it would be futile to try since the (alien) UFOs can always detect and evade incoming weapons; 2) They don't want to engage the UFOs because they are American (or allied) secret aircraft and are operating in American air space with permission; 3) They are alien craft operating in American air space with permission; 4) The UFOs cannot be detected with any system currently in American military inventories; 5) The UFOs aren't really there at all but, rather, are images projected mechanically or telepathically to the viewers, which images can also be recorded on video tape! (Which leaves us with a whole new set of mysteries!)
It has been said rather poetically that, "The Sky Keeps No Memories." Whatever occurs in the ether vanishes when the event has passed. But video cameras keep rather astounding memories and we should make every attempt to obtain clear, sharp images of any unusual craft traversing the skies of planet Earth (or moon if you have a good telescope).
The Gulf War, like the Vietnam conflict, was a theatrical diversion to keep the world's attention away from spectacular aircraft and UFOs that are now orbiting the moon and, perhaps, freefalling toward deep space with human cargos destined for the Martian colonies.
Some UFOlogists have insisted for years that America has military or scientific outposts not only on the moon, but on Mars as well. They may be right about that but one wonders why no one has come forward to leak the information to the general public. Perhaps they are vigorously dissuaded from doing so by threats of death.
A craft capable of traveling at 450,000 miles per hour could make the 35,000,000 mile journey to Mars in about 80 hours (Friday afternoon to Monday morning) whereas a conventionally powered craft requires about three months.
But if America has developed engines capable of driving space craft at such fantastic speeds, why do they not use the technology to propel automobiles, ships and conventional aircraft?
Number One: Such a revelation to a society based upon a fossil fuel economy would destroy the very fabric of our cultures. Millions upon millions of people would become unemployed if such an engine were to be introduced onto world markets.
At the present time there is simply no room for the perfect power source in a society designed to either produce fossil fuels or to be driven by them.*

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