Wednesday, April 9, 2008



Plenty of speculation.

According to a 1987 Gallup poll, almost 50 percent of Americans believe Flying Saucers are real. 30 percent or more believe they have seen odd phenomena that may be UFOs.
Although many sightings have subsequently been shown to be misidentified common aircraft or explainable atmospheric phenomena, a quite respectable number of sightings and encounters defy explanation and are classified as "Unknown."
Despite the government's attempts to debunk UFO sightings and encounters as waking dreams and hoaxes perpetrated by people who have lost a few marbles, there are no satisfactory explanations for the behavior of aerial craft and TLOs (Transient Luminous Objects) that apparently can venture through space or the earth's atmosphere with equal ease, stop suddenly from hypersonic flight, or execute right angle turns, climbs and dives.
Nor has anyone explained how or why TLOs appear suddenly, hover or sail silently for long minutes and just as suddenly vanish.
If the military found UFOs that have reportedly crashed on this planet and have systematically unwound the secrets of their construction and propulsion, why, after nearly 50 years, have they not been able to duplicate the engines that drive them? Why have scientists and engineers been unable to duplicate in military aircraft the maneuvers UFOs appear to perform?
In the 1950s, the A.V. Roe Company developed and built the Avrocar in Canada. It was supposed to be capable of speeds of 600 miles per hour. After a number of years, the Canadian government lost interest and the U.S. Air Force began funding the program.
Except that it ultimately provided important research data for hovercraft, the Avrocar was a dismal failure. It could barely lift its own weight a few inches off the ground and, even then, was almost dangerously unstable.
But engineers learned that there were major difficulties understanding how the ovate ellipsoid moved within our atmosphere. Flying Saucers, if they exist, certainly do not use the same propulsion or lifting technology as either our jet aircraft or rockets. Additionally, there are also physiological problems for any human passengers in a craft that can execute the amazing maneuvers displayed by UFOs. The known laws of physics suggests that humans could not survive such maneuvers.
If Flying Saucers are alien spacecraft, if they really exist, they are obviously powered by some force our scientists do not, as yet, understand (or, at least, will not reveal). We have some clues about these unusual power sources. Many reports tell of automobile engines stopping or stalling when in close proximity to UFOs. Lights are often dimmed and instruments often stop functioning, suggesting a force field that impedes the ionic flow within electrical circuits.
The erratic flight of UFOs during "Falling Leaf" descents is another clue. A study of the physics of such movement suggests that, like a platter falling in water, the UFO becomes virtually massless during decent. If the problem of mass can be overcome, the problem of destructive inertial effects of instant maneuvers is solved as well.
Several credible engineers have used this information to design a workable UFO on paper. American chemist and engineer consultant, Kenneth Behrendt, has devised the AMF (anti-mass field) theory to construct a complex mathematical blueprint of a circular aircraft that would prevent mass field radiation. This would render the craft essentially gravity-free.
One of the most interesting points of Behrendt's theory is that such a craft would ionize the surrounding atmosphere, provoking effects that are identical to those reported by UFO witnesses.
At the present time our scientists are stymied by the constraints of aerodynamic shape, lack of exotic construction materials and a suitable propulsion system.
Additionally, while a number of ideas have been suggested to explain how UFOs and TLOs arrive from some apparently distant worlds, no truly cogent theory has been presented or endorsed by credible scientists.
One suggestion is that UFOs travel through "Stargates" from parallel universes, from inside the earth itself or from distant galaxies. One such stargate could be the collapsed stars that are so dense not even light can escape their gravitational pull. Because they emit no light, they are called "Black Holes."
Some astronomers speculate that black holes could be shortcuts through time and space. Since it is known that matter can pass through these holes out of our space-time continuum, some UFOlogist theorize spacecraft can also pass through the Stargates and travel great distances from one galaxy to another.
Other people speculate that universes might exist side by side, actually overlapping but vibrating with different frequencies so that they are not normally visible or interactive with one another. Occasionally, the theory states, windows open in one or more of these universes allowing beings and machines to pass from one to another.
The Bermuda Triangle might be classified as such a window to another universe. If so, alien spacecraft may not always be here by choice. They might enter these windows and stargates unwittingly or accidentally only to find themselves in very strange lands indeed!
But once they (or we) learn the secrets of the stargates, it is possible they may be manipulated at will to allow instant travel over cosmic distances to any part of the universe. It would be rather like stepping into a telephone booth, dialing a number and, instead of reaching a party by voice, one would be instantly transmitted to that person's home!
There is some evidence that the military might have conducted some experiments in transportation of humans and machines after the Second War during the Philadelphia Experiment. Sparse reports indicate the experiments were fatally disastrous. Navy personnel died or went insane. Some were seen to burst into flames. Others were seen to walk through walls and not appear on the other side, as reported in a Norfolk, Virginia newspaper.
Did they step into one of the windows and vanish, only to find themselves on a distant planet in another galaxy? If so, where are they and why can't they return?
Or is it possible they can and do return, but in a form not recognizable by human senses? Could the accidental time-space travellers be returning periodically as TLOs? TLOs have been known to execute apparently intelligent maneuvers, respond to lights and radio signals, and even to telepathic commands! This suggests some sort of sentient energy, the nature of which we do not yet understand.
Another theory, largely unaccepted, is that UFOs are alien spacecraft that travel by sheer brute force from one system to another, much as would our own spaceships during a journey from the Earth to the moon, or from the Earth to Mars.
Such great distances separate the planets and solar systems, that the time involved to travel from one to another would be so vast that the original inhabitants of a spaceship would have died centuries before the craft could arrive at its target destination.
The nearest stellar constellation, Alpha Centauri, is over four light-years away. Using the fastest spacecraft yet constructed, it would take earthlings 80,000 years to reach it. After so long a time, the original purpose of the journey would have been completely forgotten.
Even if a spaceship could attain the speed of light, it would take six years to reach Alpha Centauri since nearly two years would be required to accelerate to and decelerate from the speed of light.
Clearly, this is not the way to travel from one star system to another for not only would the passengers aboard the starship not know why they were travelling through space, the spacecraft itself would be little more than a derelict after such a long period of time.
It would be impossible to get a spare part for the toilet, for instance, when the spaceship was several billion miles from home base. Messages, which would be transmitted at the speed of light, would require three or four years to reach the spacecraft or Earth and who could correlate the answer with the question after all that time?
Indeed, if the spaceship was travelling at exactly the speed of light, radio messages would never reach it, since it would always be outrunning the signal.
We now believe that spacecraft have not travelled to Earth from any planet in our own solar system. Data from Voyager's journey to the outer planets has revealed that life as we know it cannot and does not exist on any other planet in this system.
Although "Nuts and Bolts" UFOs have been shown for the most part to be secret military aircraft or other test vehicles, a small number of unidentified UFOs remain on the lists. They merit serious investigation if they are what many people believe them to be. We need to understand how they operate and how they travel from one star system to another with ease.
Additionally, we need to solve the mystery of TLOs. If they are naturally occurring atmospheric phenomena, then we need to find explanations for them once and for all. If they are visitors from other times or dimensions, then we need to discover how they get here and why they find our planet and its inhabitants so interesting.
Travelling at the speed of light or faster probably only works in the movies.

MISSIONS TO MARS: Will they make it? Will they survive? Some won't!
In 1988 the Russians launched their Phobos II probe to Mars. One of its missions was to photograph Phobos, the smallest of Mars' satellites. In one of the photos transmitted back to Earth, an anomalous light is shown to left of the tiny moon.
Russian astronomer Paul Stonehill states that the light, or UFO, then turned toward Phobos II and destroyed it. No further signals were received from the probe.
In October, 1992, America launched its Observer spacecraft to Mars on a comprehensive photographic mission to map the surface of that planet as a prelude to a manned exploration in the near future. One of the features NASA has agreed to photograph is an apparently symmetrical object known as "The Face on Mars" near the Cydonia region, which appears to have been carved by sentient beings. It is about one mile long and one mile wide. Computer enhancements of the object and other nearby features indicate that they may not be naturally formed.
Although Mars' atmosphere is 150 times less dense than Earth's, scientists believe enough elements are available to have supported microbes and they plan to search for them in the perma-frost at the poles. Microbes frozen for thousands or millions of years have been recovered on Earth and made to live again. Scientists hope to recover similar suspended life on Mars and re-establish them elsewhere. If that fails, they have sophisticated plans to introduce microscopic plant life from Earth to the surface of Mars and begin a cycle of life that may lead to the building of an atmosphere, higher plants and even animal life as a purely naturally occurring evolutionary process.
Once introduced to a fertile environment, scientists are convinced micro-organisms and microscopic plant life will create their own atmosphere, just as they did on Earth millions of years ago. Once higher plants are established, animals should follow naturally.
Of course, colonists will have to be sent to Mars to oversee and occasionally prod this life-building process. If successful, Earth's future generations_your grandchildren and mine_will become the "Martians," the offworld harvesters and animal husbanders of that far planet.
But one wonders if Mars (and other worlds) have not already been claimed by the same beings who apparently visit Earth from time to time. If a UFO can destroy a Russian probe, as Paul Stonehill contends, they could as easily destroy a spaceship laden with microscopic life or Earthers planning to settle the Plains of Cydonia.
One answer to this question of ownership might be revealed when close-up photographs show what the "Face" really is. If it is an artifact created by a dead civilization, we should erect a fence around it and leave it alone. If it was carved by more recent visitors, we may have to fight vigorously for landing rights on Mars.
The Observer spacecraft should reach Mars, if all goes as planned, in January of 1993. The data returned from that probe will establish the criteria of Earth scientists for the next several decades.
The U.S. government and NASA have rekindled their interest in extraterrestrial life with SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). The largest radio telescopes on Earth are turned to the heavens to seek out the faintest random or planned signals directed toward this solar system. Scientists expect to garner more information in the first 30 seconds than have been recorded in the past 30 years.
At the same time, interest has been renewed in formerly scrapped plans for nuclear engines to power a future generation of spaceships to Mars and beyond. Nuclear engines are not a new concept in spacecraft engines. American scientists and engineers tested them at Jackass Flats in Nevada and were close to producing a usable engine before the Space Shuttle concept forced cancellation of the project.
Nuclear powered spacecraft will be assembled in space, well away from Earth, and will provide an almost limitless source of energy for the future journey to Mars and deep space. The journey to Mars will require about three months out, a stay of 600 days (to allow Mars and Earth to reach their closest points to each other in their orbits of the sun) and a return journey of three more months. In all, the first international team of scientists will be gone for nearly two and one-half years. Everything they will need for the trip will either go with them or precede them in a supply ship which will be waiting in orbit around Mars. If the owners decide it's okay, of course.
Now, all this expensive exploration isn't going to happen in the next year or so. It is tentatively planned for the second decade of the 21st Century when your infant son or daughter, or your grandson or granddaughter is 23 or 24 years old.
There are a number of people who believe earthlings are not only planning a journey to Mars, but are actually returning to Mars after countless centuries of having been absent while colonizing planet Earth. They contend the Earth colonies survived some cosmic cataclysm while our original Martian ancestors did not and that we are now going back to reclaim our original planet. Proof or disproof of that will begin to unfold by January, 1993.
There are reports that alien encounters are followed by medical examinations during which sperm samples are taken from males or artificial insemination is inflicted upon female abductees. Why they would do that is anyone's guess, but the consensus of opinion is that the aliens are trying to develop a crossbred being who can exist both in space aboard their craft or on this planet as a new generation of hybrid earthlings. If these reports are true it would appear the aliens plan to eventually settle here, whether we like it or not.
All these things_sightings, encounters, contacts, abductions_taken separately seem to be hokum; considered as a whole, they begin to make sense. But one of the greatest obstacles to solving the mysteries surrounding UFOs and TLOs and their inhabitants and motives is that we tend to examine a 100th century phenomena with 20th century technology and a 15th century mentality. We are trying to examine the UFO phenomena with ideas and instruments as obsolete as those used by Columbus when he set out to discover the new world in 1492.
Until we learn the secrets of the propulsion systems used on alien spacecraft; until we learn how they traverse such great distances with ease; until we discover from whence they have come and why they are here; until we begin to think in terms of something other than brute force and miles per hour, we will be no closer to duplicating the alien ships and the feats of their pilots than 15th century navigators were when hoping for fair winds and full sails to carry them across 1200 miles of blue water 500 years ago.
We have to forget everything we've learned and study the UFO phenomena as a totally new and different concept.
Fossil fuels, without question, are the worst sources of energy ever conceived. Their combustion is dependent upon consuming vast amounts of oxygen, which robs humans of the very gas they require to survive. Residues produced by burning fossil fuels pollute the atmosphere and destroy both plant and animal life. These residues affect the environment in ways we are just now beginning to understand.
Nuclear fuels are no better and, in many ways, are even worse. Radioactive wastes from nuclear furnaces will affect life on this planet for millions of years. If enough radioactive waste is dumped in landfills, caves and oceans, we may soon find our tiny island is completely uninhabitable. If we are to survive to see our children and grandchildren harvesting Martian wheat, we need to turn our attention to more suitable sources of energy.
Humankind did not set out to purposefully destroy this planet with deadly residue. That fossil fuels were discovered at all was probably an accident. Only the exploitation of fossil fuels was planned. But somewhere, someday, some clever engineer is going to discover a way to provide power to the entire world without all the perils apparent in fossil and nuclear fuels.
Until now we have been rather like ants climbing a great redwood tree. We know we are climbing although we cannot see the top, our destination. We are so small and the tree so large that it will require several generations to make it to the top of the tree.
A hundred years ago, more or less, one of our ancestors reached a lower branch of the tree and, thinking they were on the main trunk, continued onward, unaware they were going in the wrong direction, unaware every step was taking them farther and farther away from what they once saw as their original destination.
Now we have to backtrack, to unthink what we have done, and find the main trunk of the tree again. We have to unthink fossil fuels. We have to unthink nuclear reactors. We have to unthink water-driven dynamos that are destroying our rivers and lakes to produce a few kilowatts of electricity.
If UFOs are real, if they have come from the far fields of space, they have done so by virtue of some power source that is inexhaustible and does not threaten to kill their pilots every time they take a breath. We desperately need to discover what that power source is before we are in grave danger of perishing.
Nuclear engines can only provide a temporary and dangerous source of energy for future spacecraft. Crew members will most certainly encounter serious health risks. The fragile Martian environment can only suffer from repeated exposure to nuclear wastes and exhaust emissions as more ships land to supply the colonies and blast off to return to Earth. This is not the legacy we want to leave to future generations of earthlings.
Until we cast out the medieval notion that we have the right to plunder the resources of all we see and touch; until we rethink the idea that we have the right to exploit any person, nation or planet for profit, we had better stay where we are and not seriously consider staking claim to a world that doesn't belong to us.
Perhaps the aliens who are performing genetic experiments with humans have more than curiosity in mind. Future crossbred children may see more than we can see, know more than we can now possibly imagine. If they are to inherit the Earth and planets orbiting our sun; if they will ultimately be the keepers of future worlds, then they would want to insure that all generations to follow would receive the very best, rather than the very worst, their ancestors envisioned.
One or more of these "Star Children" may create the perfect power source, the ultimate engine, the great gleaming starship a decade or two from now. If we're lucky and if they survive the system, they and their schoolmates, their husbands and wives and children, will leap away from island Earth to build new cities on new planets in galaxies we can only imagine in our dreams.

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